Ads On The BYC Forum


BYC Staff
17 Years
Dec 26, 2006
California - SF East Bay
My Coop
My Coop
Hey Friends,

As a way to help us continue to add features to the forum we're trying an experiment. We've added non obtrusive advertisements to the very bottom of the forum for guests only. The hope is that this will allow guests / visitors to help support the forum without us having to rely on sales at the BYC store.

If you are logged in right now you won't even see the ads (you'll have to log off to see them).

Are you a guest and not a registered member? Have you been lurking on the forum waiting to become a full fledged member? Please register (super simple and easy) and join our excellent family!

If anyone has any thoughts, comments, or suggestions, please let us know.
Smart thinking, Nifty!
Funny thing. I actually had to go back and look for the ads. I've gotten so used to seeing Google Adsense that I just block it out. I'm all for it though. anytime you can make a hobby self sufficient you are doing yourself a favor. I would rather click on an ad that interests me once in a while than pay a subscription any day. But then again, I am in advertising.
Recently I did a search on Yahoo, and was HORRIFIED.. let me repeat HORRIFIED by the size and placement of the ads, and vowed never to use that search engine again.

LOL! That said, the ads you've chosen are SO tiny.. like Roster Tooth Jacket said, I actually had to LOOK for them! Great job!

Also wondering where we could go to donate to this website? I've done enough posting here *cringe* that I think I owe you some kickback!

No donations are not available on this board, but thanks for the offer.

kstaven is spot on: Cindi and I did set up the store to help support the forum, but don't buy something you don't need just to help out... I don't want to promote clutter or waste.

If we (community / moderators) do decide to upgrade the forum to a more feature rich, but resource intensive application then we'll need donations to support it... but that decision hasn't been made, so until then, just keep posting and having a good time!

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