Adult Hen, Inside Pole Shed, Daytime, Only crop eaten, Rats?


10 Years
Jun 17, 2009
West Central WI
We have lost an adult hen. Only the crop was eaten. No blood anywhere. Bird was in a pole shed. No tracks in snow around shed. We believe the bird died during daylight hours. The boy found the bird and called me. When I got there an hour later, he stated the body had been moved since he originally found it.

Now, I have been trapping rats in the shed. Can a large rat catch an adult hen during the day? Would they stay on the nest long enough to be killed by a rat? Would they hunt when they can easily eat chicken feed?
I got over 20 squabs taken, 1 a night, by a rat, took a long time as he avoids poison and trap, at the end the dog got him.... same symptoms, crop rip open, seeds eaten, the rest just left there, he rip the crop and wait till the bird died, you can see the trail of blood from where the attack initially happens...
Ok, I will have to get more serious about the rats. I put a rooster back in each pen, which seemed to keep them at more of a distance before.

Your avatar, I'm never going to look at a fried egg the same way again in my life...


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