Adult Muscovy Gender


5 Years
Oct 30, 2015

Someone gave me a trio of adult white muscovies yesterday (and holy hell, they're HUGE--I had pied muscovies before and they were not nearly this large)--he said it's a male and two females but one of the females ACTS like a male to me. They're all just under a year old from the same clutch. She's/it is not as long as the male, but she's definitely bigger than the other female. She/it still has feathers on a good portion of her caruncling but I have so far only heard her hiss (but I haven't spent more than 15 minutes at a time with them so far.) she hasn't exhibited any of the uhh in the mood behavior the one I'm sure is a male has.

I attached a picture. Definite male on the left, definite female in the middle, but what is that thing on the right?

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