Adventures in Goat Milking!


12 Years
Mar 12, 2007
Alfordsville, IN
Yesterday, we began our goat milking program with Sarah Lee, a Pygmy/ND mixed doe who weaned her doeling, Betty, on Friday. I wasn't planning to milk her when I bought her, but she has a very nice udder with good attachments and decently sized teats. She has, obviously, never been milked and hasn't been the most cooperative subject, but it's getting better. In three milkings, we've gotten 1 1/2 pints from her. It's YUMMY stuff, basically tastes just like cows milk but a tish sweeter. (I'd never had goat's milk before). DH has built my stanchion (he didn't like the holding job, LOL) and that has made the goings much easier.

Time to go get cheese making supplies!
Congrats on having your own milk at home. I will have to admit i am kind of envious. I have been putting off getting a milk goat for awhile.

When we have heifers calving one of the things that I find works to help break them is a halter. Just tie their head around so it touches their side-on the side you milk from-and then tie the halter around their hind leg. They then can see what you are doing and I don't know about goats but, cattle kick backwards before they kick frontwards so they jerk themselves first.

Good luck!
I have some girls that love being milked, they fight over who gets to go first. Others here will NEVER be milk goats, I don't enjoy being kicked that much.

Interesting about the halter / cow girls seem to kick forward or up the most, kicking the bucket over or putting their feet right in it. Grrrrrr.
Good luck w/ it,'s SO worth the effort!
I'm jealous.
Not really, sounds like fun really. I was reading today about making butter from goat's milk.

So nice though to meet people who have them and enjoy them.
I miss milking so mush I want goats AHHHHHHH mabe if my mom liked goat milk she wouldent be so baised and I wish I lived on a farm. I find milking a good alpine or Toggenburg to be super relaxing and a good way to start your day then go in and have some of yesterdays milk on your cerearal this was my rutine at camp.


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