Adventures in Incubating Shipped Eggs

Why would a seller tell someone not to candle eggs before or during incubation?
I have long since stopped trying to fathom what someone's intentions are, lol. Who knows why they would say that? Maybe they have some distrust of candling.

I have found it very valuable to candle eggs before setting the eggs and also on Day 7, Day 14 and at lockdown. You certainly don't have to candle eggs, but I like to know if there is an unstable aircell that needs special treatment, or if there is a blood ring that has made an egg non viable, and I love to see happy dancing chicks!
lol, I took chickens with me when I relocated from California to Washington. The hens were in crates at the back of the car, and I took them out to forage at rest stops. It was a four day trip, and each they each laid an egg a day in the car! I can't imagine taking crazy little chicks camping, though.
I love that! How did you constrain them during the forage sessions? I'm picturing chickens on leashes, lol. It was nice of them to provide you breakfast each day.
Chick spam! All my babies are cute, but I am in love with this handsome, 3-week-old Appenzeller. I'm hoping it turns out to be a tall, strutting hen, lol, but I don't think I'll be so lucky. IMG_E6797.JPG IMG_E6802.JPG
When do you start turning your eggs that were shipped to you? I have marked the air sacs tonight of the eggs that I could see them clearly on and had the thought of I had heard many things about when to start turning eggs that were shipped to you. I have heard everything from 24 hours to 4 days.
When do you start turning your eggs that were shipped to you? I have marked the air sacs tonight of the eggs that I could see them clearly on and had the thought of I had heard many things about when to start turning eggs that were shipped to you. I have heard everything from 24 hours to 4 days.
That's the range I've heard as well. I waited 3 days, but my hatch rate was only middling, so I wouldn't say that was right. Next time, I'd probably only wait 1 or 2 days depending on how the air sacs looked.
That's the range I've heard as well. I waited 3 days, but my hatch rate was only middling, so I wouldn't say that was right. Next time, I'd probably only wait 1 or 2 days depending on how the air sacs looked.

I will likely start rotating tomorrow. I don't want them sticking to the shell they seem to show some good signs of life so far. I saw a little dot in one of my eggs tonight. So veining will hopefully soon follow.

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