Advice about my Itty-bitty baby guinea's condition

Welcome to BYC! And welcome to the guinea section:) We adore them around here😊 So sorry to hear about the attack😞

You said you are feeding medicated chick starter?
They need turkey and game bird starter for proper protein and vitamins.
I really do hate to say that she doesn’t look well from the picture. How much smaller is she?
I can’t see anything obviously wrong with its eye from the picture. Does it open at all, or stay closed all the time?
Thanks for your reply. My baby is only a 3rd of the size of the other 2 and is see no growth from her in the past week. Best I know they are about 3wks old. & I do have someone bringing me the food you specified. I was told to try feeding grits but I don't have any.
The baby's right eye is completely normal & appears to function properly. But the left eye, although it is open, is a greyish white color.....almost like a horrible cataract. I've seen dogs, cats, and even one of my eyes cloud up real bad with injury so even though it's not ideal, that makes me think it's an injury.
I'm glad to say that after a night of sleeping on my bedside with a light and also a heating pad, that she seems no worse, and maybe a tiny bit better, but I realize it's too soon to celebrate.
Thanks so much.
Welcome to BYC!
Do the eyes open?
I just posted an update if you wouldn't mind reading it. Thanks so much❤️
Welcome to BYC! And welcome to the guinea section:) We adore them around here😊 So sorry to hear about the attack😞

You said you are feeding medicated chick starter?
They need turkey and game bird starter for proper protein and vitamins.
I really do hate to say that she doesn’t look well from the picture. How much smaller is she?
I can’t see anything obviously wrong with its eye from the picture. Does it open at all, or stay closed all the time?
I just posted an update if you wouldn't mind reading it. Thanks so much❤
I just posted an update if you wouldn't mind reading it. Thanks so much❤
I just posted an update if you wouldn't mind reading it. Thanks so much❤
I just posted an update if you wouldn't mind reading it. Thanks so much❤
I just posted an update if you wouldn't mind reading it. Thanks so much❤
I just posted an update if you wouldn't mind reading it. Thanks so much❤
I just posted an update if you wouldn't mind reading it. Thanks so much❤
*disclaimer- I'm just a guinea lover, not a pro, not a moderator-nada.
The only thing I can relate is that my icon up there was once pecked in the eye area. It was swollen, bruised and had that film on it. Lacking any other ideas, I applied Vet Rx to the eye per instructions and it cleared up immediately.
The instructions didn't advertise it for injury, only some kind of worm, but that told me it was safe to apply. The oils in it are antimictobial, Antiinflammatory, antibacterial, & soothing. The instructions online say for any life stage. Good luck!

I had a kittycat that was ferociously pierced by mostly likely a claw, but possibly a small animal tooth. And she presented the same frosty eye (but with weeping and redness and swelling a too). It was nearly identical regarding the cloudiness. Btw, this is my very first bird which is scary, & so some of my knowledge just doesn't apply.
My point is I believe you're 100% correct about the treatment if it was from injury. I speak that mostly bc I worked for over 10 years as a vet tech and have seen what I believe to be nearly everything imaginable. But this is my first bird and the same treatments don't apply to most situations.
Again, many thanks❤️
Hi j3MonkeyMamma - welcome to BYCs! :welcome I hope that we are able to help you out...

So, you now have 3, two week old guineas that survived a dog attack? How long ago was the dog attack? Regarding itty-bitty, was it always smaller than the others? Was it visibly injured in the attack? Is it currently eating and drinking? Keets are fragile - I very much hope that your little survivor pulls through!
A very special thanks for that heartfelt and gentle message.
I posted a update this morning, please read it bc I can't reply in words except to say I'm heartbroken.

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