advice for sick duckling?

she has food and water it can reach right now and was eating last time i saw her.  i have brewers yeast.  i thought the food we where giving them was ok without it.  we gave them supplements in water.  they have spent time outside.  i am worried the time outside could have been when she got hurt though.  all the other ducks seem happy.  we think she was not able to get food when she was with them though.  she was very hungry when we separated her but now seems to be eating and drinking normally.  we spent all day on phone trying to find a veterinarian who could help us today.

I put a call out to Miss Lydia and she can help you better than I can in this situation..:(...I really hope and wish you the best...:).....Poor Duck..
she has had access to water.  it is possible when with the other ducks she was restricted from getting to her food and water.  we have made sure they have all had water to dunk heads in.

Anything is possible..:(...Sorry I will try to help..:)...Give her some peas and feed in a bowl with water..Separate her as you do that..Also do you provide grit for them?
i have grit but we had not given it them yet. we read to not give it to them right away and have been so busy i have not looked to see if it is time for grit.
her quack is much louder now than it was when we first noticed she was laying down and not walking with others. and she seems stronger.
we will add niacin and continue making sure she has food and water.
I think @chickens really is right your duck needs some extra TLC right now so she will survive. Lots of good feed with Brewers yeast sprinkled over it 1 Tab per cup, if she is 6 weeks old they now need an all flock feed. Purina makes one called Flock Raiser is it formulated for all poultry where the chick starter is mainly for chicks. keep using the Brewers yeast until at least 10-12 weeks old for all your ducks. Always keep water out in a deep dish or bucket so they can keep their eyes and nares cleaned that is very important. Put a Tab of ACV to 1 gallon of water in their drinking water also it is a good tonic.

Keep her separated with 1 friend till she is up and stronger and walking then it will be easier to get them back into the flock make sure they can all still see each other too that will help also.

Let her float in some nice warm water to clean herself up. Please stay with her though in her weakened condition. Then check bottom of her feet and he sore on her tummy you can use some Veterycin spray or some kind of ointment as long as it doesn't have pain relief in it like triple antibiotic is a good one. Let us know how the bottom of her feet look after a good soak in plain warm water nothing added. Thanks.
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Thanks for all the replies so far.

I checked on the food and we already transitioned them from the chick starter to grown-up food (with less protein) - I believe it already has grit but will double check.

She seems to be eating and drinking ok now that she's separated. None of the other ducks are showing the same symptoms. We've started supplementing with the brewer's yeast and will call the vet for advice on Monday.

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