Advice on tile flooring


14 Years
Dec 28, 2007
I have some left over tile from a house remodel project. I was planning on using the leftover tile in my chicken coop (floor is 4X4 feet). Has anyone had any experience using tile as flooring?

It seems to me it would be easy to clean.
If you mean 'tile' tile, like porcelain or slate or whatever, as opposed to the vinyl-y ones that you glue on, won't the grouted grooves between them be hard to clean?

Just thinkin',

What kind of tile? Is it ceramic? If it is, it may be to hard on the little chickens feet & legs when they jump down from the roost. I'm not sure if it would be any harder on them than the wood floors covered in linoleum or the solid cement floors. I guess it would be ok if you really cushioned it with wood shavings to help break their landing. I am no expert, so I hope a more experienced person will come along and answer.
Yes, Ceramic tile. Keeping the grout clean wouldn't be an issue for me (Its not like the chickens care!)

Also, their would be pine shavings on top of the tile. I just thought that ceramic tile would be easier to hose off.
Buy the urethane grout sealer. It puts a hard clear coat over the
grout. You have to paint it on with a little finger nail sized brush.

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