Against the odds hatching thread (with pictures and questions)

the dark one in the first picture looks like he’s about to eat the little baby’s toes
Oh they’ve been eating each other’s toes a lot! And not just pecking. They’ll grab a toe and pull, and shake their head to try to tear it off! Little beasts. But their toes look SO much like worms... Can you blame them?
They are really digging in now! The level of food in the jar is visibly dropping.


Oh they’ve been eating each other’s toes a lot! And not just pecking. They’ll grab a toe and pull, and shake their head to try to tear it off! Little beasts. But their toes look SO much like worms... Can you blame them?
Hahah my mom has to hatch chicks every year for her class (she hates birds so i get stuck handling them) and they always eat each other’s toes heheh
I opened the egg with the internal pip. It was, indeed, an internal pip, but the chick was dead :( Looks like it just broke the membrane and died before progressing any further. I did an eggtopsy and saw that it was malpositioned, “feet over head”. I read that they can’t externally pip or zip in this position, but can hatch with a full assist. But I couldn’t have known when it pipped exactly, to go assist... By the time I saw the internal pip, there was already no movement. I already have 4 hatched of this type (the Barnevelders) and don’t need any more, so I’m not torn up over the loss. It was good to get an explanation and closure. I’m still really bummed about that partridge though!
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I opened the egg with the internal pip. It was, indeed, an internal pip, but the chick was dead :( Looks like it just broke the membrane and died before progressing any further. What could have caused this, so late in the game? I already have 4 hatched of this type and don’t need any more, so I’m not torn up over the loss, just curious. When I look up chicks dying after internal pip, I get explanations that don’t seem to fit in this case. Like, incorrect temperature or humidity, etc, but I know my readings were good and the hatch went very well otherwise, so it can’t be that... @CluckNDoodle @Pyxis just out of curiosity, what do you think?

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I’m extra curious because this was one of the most active chicks during incubation. I even marked it with a smiley face (part of which you can see in the photo) so I’d know to grab that one when candling with the kids, because it was guaranteed to make back flips in there and be fun to watch...

Any sign of it accidentally hitting a vein? I've had that before. Or sometimes they have a foot over their head and can't hatch further.

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