Aggrassive rooster


In the Brooder
9 Years
Mar 8, 2010
I have an almost year old buff orphington rooster that I have had since he was a chick. All of the sudden he has become very aggressive towards me. He keeps flying at me for no reason. I haven't changed any rountines or anything else. He doesn't do that to my husband or my son. Any ideas why he would suddenly act this way?
Several factors could be playing a role. Have you recently made one of his hens call out? Hormones are another issue...

Some roosters are territorial. Over the years I have had several aggressive males, however I can tell you that they never stayed around long. I choose to get rid of any and all males that choose to attack me. If I have not provoked them, there is no reason for them to hurt me, my guests or eventually my children. I will dispatch and get a rooster that has not attacked and give him a chance to rule the roost. There are FAR too many sweet, gentle roosters out there to waste my time on a male that is useless to me and that I have to fear attack from.
He wants you to be his hen. Take the broom with you next time and when he comes at you like that, pop him a good whack and show him that YOU are the boss and not him.
also, keep note of the clothing color you are wearing. i've noticed that if i were any reds around my chickens they get 'picky' with me. and one of my roos will try to flog my legs (little bugger is going to be visiting freezer camp soon anyways.) my other boy will shout out warnings to the girls and act strangely till i realize what i'm wearing that day, but he has never attacked me over it and none of my other boys have either.
some roosters just get aggressive when they get older, sometimes hormones play a big part in it, other times they just like to rule the barn yard. I agree, if you have one it's best to destroy it before it gets lg. spurs and catches you off guard. A friend of mine is a lawyer and she had to recently do a case because a rooster spurred a little boy while his mom was visiting some friends...

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