
Sep 1, 2018
so I have 2 drakes. I know that people say not to keep 2 boys because they will get defensive, and I AM AWARE. The 2 boys were raised together though, and everything was going great. No aggressiveness, no pecking, no fighting ...until now. one of my males will chase the other around and peck at his neck. I grab my male duck whenever he attempts to hurt the other, but he's not learning. I don't want to separate them because they tend to get really depressed, but I don't want my male to get hurt!
Your drakes are maturing sexually, and with no hens available the dominant drake is trying to breed the other. Typical drake behavior - and it will get worse towards the spring when hormone levels are even higher.
I have 2 hens....I have 2 hens and 2 drakes....does this still apply?

2 duck hens ? If so, then this is all about domination. The aggressor wants the other gone so that he can guarantee that only his DNA gets to carry on. Again normal behavior with even less chance of changing.
I agree with others that they have probably reached sexual maturity and hormones are changing and behavior is changing. Honestly you have to figure out how bad it really is. Ducks will squabble from time to time and pluck feathers from time to time and grab each other from time to time (usually seems to be the back of the neck). Only you can judge if one is in danger of being seriously injured. Even with my peaceful flock I will occasionally see one grab another by the neck and push it away to get to the food first, or I will see one peck at another until it gets out of the pool. Some squabbling is normal. I have also seen a duck that is obsessed with another duck and will charge it and or grab it at any given opportunity. This is not normal. This is not safe. I have seen one grab and pick up a smaller one by the neck, again, not safe. I don't know that you can train them to "behave" but please be careful and watch them closely to determine if the behavior is dangerous or escalating at all.
they haven't been breeding lately, it's winter and it's cold out. If the ducks are outside, they'll leave eachother alone for the most part. we will be separating them in spring. hopefully they will be ok with that. :hmm

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