

5 Years
Feb 19, 2014
Proud Aussie
I'm really worried. So Agi hasn't been doing so well for a while, and I just assumed that she was dying(She's 6 years old this year!)
But, I went out to feed them this morning, and she was still in bed, except she was lying on a piece of wood. But, the thing that worries me is that she has her wings spread out, like she wants to fly, is this normal?

P.S. I checked earlier and found that she was standing with her beak in her feathers:-(-this was before this happened^

Can you please tell me what's wrong with her???
Thanks, Chickenlover.
You should post this also in emergencies/injuries forum or maybe a moderator can move your post there. Is she eating? Has she been laying eggs still? Are her droppings normal? Is her crop impacted? I would separate her and offer some plain yogurt to see if she eats and watch how her droppings look. She is an older hen, so she may have organ function issues. Greenish droppings would be a concern. Also being egg bound is a concern to watch for also. I'm not sure what it means if her wings are out. Can you check them to see if there's a break somewhere? A couple of times one of my hens seemed to be sore. And after a few days they got over it. But I had to separate the hen, and I always offered plain yogurt mixed with a tsp of olive oil when they wouldn't eat. Not eating is a bad thing cause they can go downhill fast without food. How is she doing today?
She stopped laying ages ago. All my girls did. She's drinking a bit and eating her seed, I haven't tried the yoghurt tho, so I will try that. Her poop is liquidy but it is the same color as the normal poop. Thanks for your help, I will try giving her some yoghurt. And I can try and move this to emergencies/injuries. I should have done that in the first place, my brain's definitely not working today:) thanks, Chickenlover
I'm sorry.
Six years is a long time for a chicken to live and I'm sure you have many good memories of her.

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