AH! First hatch! First 17 are hatching! *help please pg 14*

7 days is the best I think, then 14 days your hatch rates will go down (this is the room temp). You keep them in the fridge, they can longer than 14 days and your hatch rates will be longer than if they were room temp. So what I read was, 1-14 room temp, hatch rates will be better than if they were in the fridge. In the fridge(top shelf btw), hatch rate will be immensely better if longer than 14 days. Though some people swear by putting them in the cold right away!
So, since I want to put paper towels down, that doesn't make filling the water tray very easy. So could I put a soaked sponge in in a shallow tupperware, maybe one on each side? It's not a dish of water so the babies can't drown when they hatch and it would be much easier to refill. Also it will be easier to see if it needs to be refilled than if i was trying to look into the CLEAR tray, especially trying to see around the eggs.
My hatch date for my ducklings is the 1rst so can I join?
Oh yes PLEASE!
I can't have ducks, so I'm gonna be waiting on those pics! What kind?

I am scared to death.. This is my first time hatching and there are only 4 eggs to hatch! I have been telling myself to accept that there may be no hatches...if I get ONE i will thank the heavens
Anyways I have cayuga duck eggs.
Oh yes PLEASE!
I can't have ducks, so I'm gonna be waiting on those pics! What kind?

I am scared to death.. This is my first time hatching and there are only 4 eggs to hatch! I have been telling myself to accept that there may be no hatches...if I get ONE i will thank the heavens
Anyways I have cayuga duck eggs.

ohhhh yay
for you! Have you candled?
I am scared to death.. This is my first time hatching and there are only 4 eggs to hatch! I have been telling myself to accept that there may be no hatches...if I get ONE i will thank the heavens
Anyways I have cayuga duck eggs.

ohhhh yay
for you! Have you candled?

I candled a couple days ago and the babies inside were all moving like crazy.
Glad to see your babies are kicking, kiki! I'm sure you'll get hatches this weekend

Okay here are actual pic of my brooder!

Your basic box. 3 years ago, we would have stopped here..... (and put a simple roof or screen over)

But I wanted more!

And more.... My dad was very compliant



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