Hello! Was wondering if there were any bantam cochin or polish breeders in Alabama? Wanting to try to find local-ish eggs as I've had abysmal luck with shipped eggs!
I am not a breeder (yet) but I have a Black - white crested flock.
Im not getting many eggs from them at the moment.
Would you be interested in a handsome rooster by chance? I also have some young cockerels right now, from my flock.
I do plan to be able to breed for eggs/chicks soon.
Hello! Was wondering if there were any bantam cochin or polish breeders in Alabama? Wanting to try to find local-ish eggs as I've had abysmal luck with shipped eggs!
I am not a breeder (yet). I'm still establishing my Black - white crested flock.
Im not getting many eggs from them at the moment.
I do have a nice 2½ y.o. roo and some cockerels that need a flock/home.
I do plan to be able to breed for eggs/chicks soon.
I am not a breeder (yet) but I have a Black - white crested flock.
Im not getting many eggs from them at the moment.
Would you be interested in a handsome rooster by chance? I also have some young cockerels right now, from my flock.
I do plan to be able to breed for eggs/chicks soon.

Not looking for any roosters yet 😅 but I'll keep you in mind for the future, hope the flock works out - I've seen black/white crested before and they're beautiful birds!
Have you ever owned Polish chickens?
A very long time ago my sister had a couple, I think they were buff lace or something like that? I used to live on a farm 😄 we had a bit of everything it seemed like. I'm moved out and haven't had chickens in years - finally have a good place now (that allows chickens) and that's what has me looking for my own tiny flock
A very long time ago my sister had a couple, I think they were buff lace or something like that? I used to live on a farm 😄 we had a bit of everything it seemed like. I'm moved out and haven't had chickens in years - finally have a good place now (that allows chickens) and that's what has me looking for my own tiny flock
We love our Polish. I do have to say this, they are quite different. At least mine are.
I have 7 separate coops, by breeds and colors.
Silkies and separated by color/breeding specifics,
My 1 polish breed and my POLKIES = Polish x Silkie chicks, which are in a grow out coop..
My main roo, Genghis, has such a huge personality and is nothing like anything I have read about the breed, totally opposite...
His brother, Dennis Roddman, is typical of what I have read...
Mr. Roddman needs a flock all of his own. I may have to build a new coop for him...
I have 2 different ages of chicks right now and hope to build a strong flock.. I have had a harder time locating these Black/white crested polish around here...
Let me know if you locate any.. Im willing to travel as well....

There is a breeder of Polish in Clanton or Calera in the state, she didnt have any of the BWC. I can look for her information and pass it on to you as soon as I find it..

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