Alaska, are you getting ready for Mt. Redoubt eruption?

A large section of Ice on one side has softened and slid away, from the heat below, and there are fumeroles in another section through the snow/ice, maybe those are the holes being talked about. Pretty sure that's all steam from what I've read.

There's little directly in danger from the mountain itself, (I'm sure the offshore oil platforms have taken precautions) the after effects of ash-fall are the worst, the ash is very sharp and very fine, more like ultra fine sand... don't know how to describe it really. It's actually corosive and very acidic, and for both reasons it's hard on engines and lungs, and bad for children and animals who don't, won't or can't wear masks etc. Also bad for windshields, and painted surfaces.

Just so all those worrying know.

I don't know how to explain the AK mindset about it either, just another thing to get ready for in advance. AK-ers tend to prepare for the worst then forget about it unless it actually happens. I doubt if many are losing sleep over it, but are pretty aware of it too. Probably getting extra supplies and stuff ahead of time since driving will be a pain... keeping a weather eye on it but not stressing.

Some of the towns directly across the inlet from Redoubt are probably a little more worried, making plans and such for ash fall just in case. I'm guessing THAT MEANS YOU Miss AKBB!! Hope it's not too bad, but it's just another 'thang' I know.

I've read the whole AVO report on the background, and while it's all 'best guess' they don't do too bad usually.

When Mt Spur erupted in 92 there were warnings and such for about 8 months before it blew in August. Of course Redoubt has been stewing for a while now too, it's just gotten really restless lately and so has been in the news more.

All you REAL AK-ers feel free to correct me, I have been gone for a while after all!!
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Nope, you got it pretty much on the head.
The Drift River Facility is the closest, and they have either evacuated or have an iron-clad evacuation plan in place. There just really isn't a whole lot out there. Over here, Kenai (kç-ˌnî )and Soldotna (Sole-dot'-nah), Kasilof (Kah-seel'-off), Nikiski... they'll all get ashfall before I do. I'm about 12 miles East of Soldotna. But you're right. They warned us, we prepared, and now we wait. No sleep lost (except from worry over the -15F temps and my babies right now) and no new grey hairs, though I DO wish it would just blow already and get it over with.

2009-02-03 04:10:21

Unrest at Redoubt Volcano is continuing with elevated seismicity well above background levels. The volcano has not erupted.

A gas/observation overflight yesterday reported continued changes in the summit glaciers indicative of heating of the summit area. Photos from both the overflight and the hut webcam showed a small vapor plume at the summit. The web camera is now dark as our long winter night continues.
Here on the East coast they arent even talking about redoubt... they did tell us about the one in Peru going off...and I heard something about one in Japan being active but nothing about Alaska Go figure...
Not a whole lot going on... latest update was that activity was still above background, but had decreased a little over the last 24 hours. That's it. Until it actually goes, it will probably die down in the media. Thank goodness!

In the meantime, we can get ready for the Iditarod !!!

I'm hoping to get pheasants or eggs from one of the mushers... Paul Gebhardt

When the race is over, of course.
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2009-02-05 11:38:25

Starting at 11:18 AKST this morning, a strong burst of seismic tremor was recorded at Redoubt stations. Radar data show that no eruption occurred.

Tremor is ongoing but has decreased in amplitude.

AVO website link is in my siggie.
Mrs. AK-Bird-Brain :

Not a whole lot going on... latest update was that activity was still above background, but had decreased a little over the last 24 hours. That's it. Until it actually goes, it will probably die down in the media. Thank goodness!

In the meantime, we can get ready for the Iditarod !!!

I'm hoping to get pheasants or eggs from one of the mushers... Paul Gebhardt

When the race is over, of course.

He is not taking those eggs on the race with him I hope..
2009-02-05 12:25:04 - Status Report

Unrest at Redoubt Volcano continues. Seismic activity remains elevated well above background levels. Starting at 11:18 AKST (20:18 UTC), a burst of more intense seismic tremor occurred. This episode lasted for about 4 minutes and was the most most energetic since January 30. Radar and pilot observations confirm our analysis that no eruption occurred. Web camera and satellite images from this morning have been obscured by clouds.

Staff are currently monitoring the volcano 24 hours a day. We will issue further information as it becomes available.

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