All My Chickens..... a coop opera!

This is very interesting to learn. Any other unusual things you would like to share?
Hmmmmm... as far as losing taste and smell.. it is very different from the usual cold that will make you lose taste and smell... this is very weird.. in that it doesn’t seem to be connected to your’s just an absence of any smell or taste... if I smell my food real close up I can get a hint of smell but that is only some things and this is just starting to happen... and sometimes the first bite of food has a very slight taste.. but not always! Ketchup is the only thing that sort of keeps it’s flavor... it is all so very strange!
The worst days of the virus were day 5 and day 8.. I thought I was gonna die! Day 8 was as if I had the stomach bug on steroids.. although I never threw up.. THANK GOD!! I did have diarrhea though... you will also start to panic some because of all the stories you hear... I think part of the sickness is emotional stress too... I’ve heard this from a few people! It’s like a few sicknesses all rolled into one!
Hubs wasn’t as bad as I was because of the antibodies he recieved... and the girl.. who is a teenager.. was only sick for like two days... like the typical flu... which seems to be the norm for all the kids her age that have gotten it that I know of... I think almost every single person I know has gotten this and have all come out okay...
Hubs and girl also still have no taste or smell...
And you do stay exhausted for some time...
I will say... one of the saddest things about this is... not being able to smell this baby!! To NOT smell a puppy and be able to smell puppy breath (best smell on earth!) is oh so sad😭
I am so sorry you had to go through all that Whodat,😔:hugs and here I was complaining about aches and pains.
That must be terrible, not being able to taste or smell anything, especially puppies.
I do hope God gives you all comfort and healing through it. Believe me, I have experienced what he can do many times in my life, and I don't doubt his abilities.

A few months back, when our youngest brother went through that terrible case of mono, we thought we were going to lose him that day, so we all prayed, among heavy tears, then God delivered, he answered our prayers and saved him.
I am so sorry you had to go through all that Whodat,😔:hugs and here I was complaining about aches and pains.
That must be terrible, not being able to taste or smell anything, especially puppies.
I do hope God gives you all comfort and healing through it. Believe me, I have experienced what he can do many times in my life, and I don't doubt his abilities.

A few months back, when our youngest brother went through that terrible case of mono, we thought we were going to lose him that day, so we all prayed, among heavy tears, then God delivered, he answered our prayers and saved him.
I wanted to 🤣 at “puppies” 😆.... but had to ❤️ instead because you are so right! God is so good! And so faithful 💕❤️
And thank you my dear💕🤗

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