
5 Years
Apr 23, 2019
I’m so disappointed and sad and angry. My neighbors dogs climbed our 6 foot fencing that’s around our whole yard, got past our electric fencing somehow and into our chicken run and killed every single one of our chickens except for one. I don’t even know how they got into my chicken run. I’m just so angry and sad. Neglectful neighbors who constantly let their dogs roam free in our neighborhood. Currently dealing with animal control now, but nothing can replace them. 😭😭😭
That’s three obstacles they had to get past and somehow they still managed to kill them all. I was really looking forward to not doing chicks this year, but it’s unfortunately looking like we’re going to have to. So upsetting. I thought for sure we had our yard predator proof. Apparently not.
I’m so disappointed and sad and angry. My neighbors dogs climbed our 6 foot fencing that’s around our whole yard, got past our electric fencing somehow and into our chicken run and killed every single one of our chickens except for one. I don’t even know how they got into my chicken run. I’m just so angry and sad. Neglectful neighbors who constantly let their dogs roam free in our neighborhood. Currently dealing with animal control now, but nothing can replace them. 😭😭😭
That’s three obstacles they had to get past and somehow they still managed to kill them all. I was really looking forward to not doing chicks this year, but it’s unfortunately looking like we’re going to have to. So upsetting. I thought for sure we had our yard predator proof. Apparently not.
I'm so sorry. You have every right to feel angry and sad. :hugs I really dislike it when dog owners aren't responsible. Is the one chicken alright?
I think so, but I decided best to leave her be until tomorrow when she has calmed down. She seemed traumatized (with good reason) and was all puffed up in the corner of the chicken coop. I feel so bad for her. All of her buddies are gone and she’s left to live alone until I can get new chicks. I looked over her and there was no blood in the coop, on her body or around her so I assume she is OK. I put some food and water inside the coop for her so she doesn’t have to go outside for now. Will check on her first thing AM.
I'm so sorry. You have every right to feel angry and sad. :hugs I really dislike it when dog owners aren't responsible. Is the one chicken alright?
sorry for your loss. Have had similar experience restarting 2 years ago with all but one chicken killed by bobcat. Can only suggest make sure to analyze and improve whatever security needs to be improved. As it takes ~6 months to first eggs, it is very expensive to just "keep trying".
I’m so disappointed and sad and angry. My neighbors dogs climbed our 6 foot fencing that’s around our whole yard, got past our electric fencing somehow and into our chicken run and killed every single one of our chickens except for one. I don’t even know how they got into my chicken run. I’m just so angry and sad. Neglectful neighbors who constantly let their dogs roam free in our neighborhood. Currently dealing with animal control now, but nothing can replace them. 😭😭😭
That’s three obstacles they had to get past and somehow they still managed to kill them all. I was really looking forward to not doing chicks this year, but it’s unfortunately looking like we’re going to have to. So upsetting. I thought for sure we had our yard predator proof. Apparently not.
Those nasty escape artists! I totally understand! Sorry for your loss! Its definitely important to expect the unexpected at times.

I recommend spending a lot of time with her. Chickens can get shocked easily and of course, traumatized. Good luck.
I just went and checked on her before I went to bed (and to show my husband the crime scene) she won’t even let me go near her at the moment. She did get up and I noticed that she was missing some feathers. Still didn’t see any blood. But I hope she’s OK. Should I trap her in the corner and pick her up to check her? Or just leave her alone until morning and hope that she calms down? I don’t want to stress her too much.
I just went and checked on her before I went to bed (and to show my husband the crime scene) she won’t even let me go near her at the moment. She did get up and I noticed that she was missing some feathers. Still didn’t see any blood. But I hope she’s OK. Should I trap her in the corner and pick her up to check her? Or just leave her alone until morning and hope that she calms down? I don’t want to stress her too much.
I would pick her up and take her somewhere warm, wrap her in a towel and keep her calm and pet her a lot. If it gets cold enough in the night she might freeze.
I will put her in our heated garage in the chicken crate for the night. My poor girl. I’m just heartbroken. How terrified she must be.
I would pick her up and take her somewhere warm, wrap her in a towel and keep her calm and pet her a lot. If it gets cold enough in the night she might freeze.
leave her till morning, it will be clear than if she's mobile and can go about here business or needs attention than. However if you feel you need to check her, you can best pick her up with all lights off (spot where she is, turn the lights off, pick her up by feel and with no chasing)

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