All the help he can get...


Crossing the Road
Jun 25, 2019
My Coop
My Coop
Hey guys! This is cross posted to the thread:

Please read through it and give me all the knowledge and help you can...this poor boy needs all our help!

Long story short, what started as an adoption from a "breeder" ended in a rescue of a severely neglected cotton patch gander. Please come check out the thread, the story, pics, and videos are all there. :hit:hugs
Hey guys! This is cross posted to the thread:

Please read through it and give me all the knowledge and help you can...this poor boy needs all our help!

Long story short, what started as an adoption from a "breeder" ended in a rescue of a severely neglected cotton patch gander. Please come check out the thread, the story, pics, and videos are all there. :hit:hugs
I did read the thread. :hit I'm so happy you have rescued this poor boy. I don't really know much about geese, but if he's not eating that's a problem. Did the wet food work? Can you hand feed him at first to give him a boost, perhaps with a syringe or dropper of some kind?

I sure hope you other goose takes this guy under her wings and helps him find food, etc. How long before they can be introduced?

Prayers for Chance!!!:hugs
Thank you @ValerieJ! I may stick my pom in with him for a little while today and see if she can teach him how to be a bird! I'm really hoping for a beautiful success story out of this! Trying the wet food today, hoping since he's over the stress of traveling that today will be a better day!
I have a one week update for you guys!
"Chance" the rescue gander has made some major strides in one week. Is much stronger, and getting around the yard on his own pretty well! No longer terrified of the water, and is starting to gain some confidence and get some attitude! We are all so in love with our special guy! Big thanks to BYC for lending us the knowledge and support to care for him!!
Today's one week homecoming photo:

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