All the same or different sizes


10 Years
Jan 26, 2009
I am so excited - my EE chicks will arrive next week from Meyers.
My toddler wanted a Zebra chicken though and I am wondering if I can tag on a Barred Rock to that order or if that would mess up my flock (only 4 EEs) since the BR would end up being a bigger bird than the EEs according to the catalog (BR hens -6 pounds, EE hens 4 pounds)
One of my EE hens is larger than my BR hens. And my other EE hen is smaller. I think because EEs are essentially mutts, their size can vary. But, EEs are generally docile, so I wouldn't worry about a BR getting pushed around by them. My 2 BR hens are more inclined to stand up for themselves than any of my other breeds. Good luck, and enjoy your chickies!
Yea my BR hen who is only about 6 months old deffiantly asserts herself in my small flock she even pushes my roo around a little bit lol!!!! But she is a sweet heart and I love her to death!!!!

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