All things Turkey poults

2 of my babies are great.
The other 2 hmmm.. 1 barely opens its eyes, although seems a bit better after crickets & sugar water breakfast (force fed/watered) It's not eating on it's own.
The other is very wobbly too, but I'm convinced it has fluid on its lungs. It was the one that pipped wrong end. Its struggling to breathe and sounds crackly. I'm sad to watch it and might need to end its suffering :hit
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Hatching turkeys is hard. I lost way more than I want to remember this last year. I am hopeful that this next year will be better.... of course I only have one hen laying right now, and 4 of her eggs in the bator now with a couple weeks to go.

My Turkey baby progressively worsened, I have relieved it of it's suffering :hit:hit fly free little one
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so sorry for your loss, i lost one a few years back, it had slipped tendon.. I was worried i messed up
And was so sad. the other baby poult literally wouldn't stop crying so of course i picked HIM up and slept with him until morning. Unhealthy habit i know. but it was the only way to calm him down.
Here are my two that are going well, hard to take a pic, they dont stay still!
My other little mite is not looking too great today :hit very sleepy and havent been able to feed it. Has had a few drops of sugar water.
Edit - he has gone to heaven overnight:hitfly free little one
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The bigger 3 are growing up! They must be close to 8weeks, and may have been 2 weeks when got them (compared to our freshly hatched now 1 week old poults).

They are very funny. If you open the back door them come inside and take a nap on the lounge :lau
So I have come to the realization that my dismissal hatching attempt is due to my own impatience :he if I could kick my own backside, I would.

My 2 baby poults are fabulous, the bigger 3 are also fabulous.

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