Am I a Cockerel???!!!


Crossing the Road
6 Years
Jun 12, 2018
Kauai, Hawaii
Aloha folks,
I have some littles that have me scratching my head a little. I thought i had some long tails in the beginning but thinking maybe now all are roos? Hoping you all can help me out with the who's-who and what's-what? First 2 hatch date is 9-21
First little grey. Dad is a Silkie/Ameraucana, mom Ameraucana. Acts like a dork this last week and tail feathers look a little more disorganized

2 hatch siblings in same photo know are boys.

Next is a little darker grey, same dad, think mom is BR. NO tail, acts super shy, the runt.

The greys tend to stick together more so than with the other 4 who I am sure are cockerels. But I know I am in denial about the whole cockerel thing...:th

Eleele, I was sure was a hen. She had a longer tail when tiny and I just assumed... a her :)fl). Hatch day was 8/30 her tail was uniform but a week or so ago colors started to bleed through her black and tail does not look as organized to me anymore. Same dad, mom is BR or Ameraucana?
None are crowing or acting completely idiotic yet. Grey and red pal is crowing and has been baby crowing for a month +


Thank you all for your efforts and expertise!!!:thumbsup:frow
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Big mahalo gang! note that @OneHappyRooster rooster got a sad face for his negative answer lol. Only joking... I am happy that 3 of you folks said i had 1 hen out of the 3. That means these 2 hatches gave me 2 hens total out of 10 chicks. I gotta quit using that roo, nothing but cockerels lol.
You folks have a wonderful and safe day! And thanks again for the help!!!
It's actually the hens that determine the gender of the offspring.
I'll be ... well, I learned something today! ;)

Second is a girl. The splotchy coloring on the first one is leaning me towards cockerel, but the comb hasn't gotten red at all. Kinda confused about which is the third one sorry! Can't tell which one you are talking about.

The black one in the last 3 photos. Sorry, I guess things are only clear in my head. :rolleyes: Even though I understand english very well i have a heck of a time communicating with it.
Photos are never very good of black one because of coloring, lighting and I can't get contrast. plus HE is a bit more shy than the others.
Ok. The blotching... the first 2 look so creamy to me. I will go back and look again. Mahalo!!!

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