Am I Being Cruel? Today's Update

we don't worm either, unless we need to. If you use Wazine, you cannot consume the eggs for a good period of time. If I thought they were exposed I woulds give it to them. I really. really hope your girl gets better.
you can use natural products to prevent worms, DE is good and so is garlic... some people say if you give them to much garlic you can taste it int the egg.. I personally have never had this problem and we eat a LOT of garlic and the hens get out left overs and plate scrapings. I also have chopped garlic in the fridge and they get about a teaspoon on top of the plate scrapings and other stuff weekly

oh yeah i forgot pumpkin seeds too... I dont know if its the green seed or the whole seed and shell but i will grind up the punpkin seeds up in my food processor and dust the chickens food. (I will save them at Halloween , dry them, freeze them for use at a later date)

I use DE too.

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