Am I crazy? Does this look fertile to you?

Well you should be able to see if chewy is breeding the other hens. They will do a little sideways dance and drop a wing before they mount a hen, and it's not like they're shy and only do it when no one is around. It seems my roos put on the act when I'm around so I can see that it's their harem and they're doing their job.

You'll need to post some newer pictures of all your hens, especially chewy. In the last picture where it only shows the back end it looks like the tail feathers are starting to curl, but at 6 months old or however old it is, He should have longer tail feathers and a bigger comb.
I see a boy... in the pictures lots of him.... gold and black... yep a boy... sickle feathers.. those americaunas are tricky tricky tricky...
I got some picts of Chewy this morning and she really seems like a girl to me. I think the eggs looking fertile must be a fluke like Bravo mentioned. I don't know.. am I wrong? I'm just confused now.




back ends.. so cute!
Looks like two henny butts in that last pic to me too. I think your "bullseye" might not be real. Maybe it was a fluke, don't ship Chewey till you hear her crow.

I don't think that second egg looks as fool-me fertile as the first one does. I think they are not fertile, and that you have birds that are throwing the occasional fake bullseye. I think you have all pullets. Cute ones, too.
My girls' eggs have this same spot in them sometimes. I know they are all girls and there are no roosters. No visitors either.
Your chickens all look like hens to me.

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