Am I crazy? Does this look fertile to you?

You don't have any roosters in that bunch. Not one has pointy saddles or the "rooster look". Some eggs can fool you and look fertile when they aren't, though it doesn't happen often. I've had EE and Ameraucana roosters, trust me. Yours are all hens.
LOL on the incognito part...a random chicken perched on the roof isnt at all conspicuous!
This is 100% a pullet. If you dont want her she can come live with me in SJ

I just wanted to add, sometimes the first few eggs can appear fertile but really arent. I cant explain why it is but I know from my flock, I opened and inspected the first eggs from all of my girls and almost all of them had bullseyes like this. Absolutely no chance of them being fertil as I hatched and reared the pullets in my home and living in the middle of the city there are no roos anywhere around.
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Hmm... Im not good at telling whether eggs are fertile, but they all look COMPLETELY female-ish to me...

Is the neighbors rooster sneaking over for a little afternoon love affair?!
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This is 100% a pullet. If you dont want her she can come live with me in SJ

I just wanted to add, sometimes the first few eggs can appear fertile but really arent. I cant explain why it is but I know from my flock, I opened and inspected the first eggs from all of my girls and almost all of them had bullseyes like this. Absolutely no chance of them being fertil as I hatched and reared the pullets in my home and living in the middle of the city there are no roos anywhere around.

This gives me hope! Thanks!

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