Am I overrun by roosters?


8 Years
Aug 20, 2011




Are they all roosters?
All along I thought the naked neck was a hen and I have been waiting patiently for her to provide me with an egg
All of these are from this past Spring hatching.
The red feathers on the NN's wings scream roo to me... but where's his tail? I would've thought that they'd all have saddle feathers by now, but none look evident. Everyone's stances look rooish to me with the exception of the white one, and everyone's comb looks so big and red. The comb and wattles of my JG hen took forever to redden up and did so just before she laid her first egg at ~6 months.

By looking just at those pics, I'm going to say that I'm 90% sure that the NN is a male, 80% that the black JG is a roo, 70% on the blue JG, and 50-60% sure that the white one (EE cross?) is also a roo. Pretty birds, though!
I have no clue why he has no tail. He has never had one. Feels weird calling it a he.........I had no clue. What should I look for in a rooster? I have four more chicks that will be ready for the coop in a couple of months but do not need any more roosters. I am heartbroken because now half of my flock are roos and I have to choose which ones to keep and what do I do with the extra roosters?
All of them look to be roosters.
1- Naked Neck
2- Black Giant
3- Blue Giant
4- White Giant

They were hatched in April so they are 5 months old. Picture of white ones legs

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