Am I the only 25 year married female that is...

lol! i'm 23 and wasnt raised around chickens, or farm animals.
My husband was, and his father is still in the rodeo/horse business. So he's used to all this and just laughs at me when i ask a stupid question like "is the horse happy?" "do the chickens have fun?"
You're not nuts, you're free....
My husband grew up on the farm and I grew up in the country but only had chickens once. They came with the house my parents bought. We both left the country when we were 18. Now at 55 and 45, we have moved back.
Our kids are ready to try this new adventure
and I've got spring fever so bad I can taste it.
My husband keeps telling me that I'm nuts for ordering so many chicks (50), but it was his idea to "road trip" to pick them up.
We are loving the country life. We are free to make our own way and to live life simply if we choose.
I'm 34 and never had farm animals...grew up in a typical neighborhood just like my DH. I only have one acre but I'm making the most of it with chickens galore.

Girl, you are most certainly not crazy!
While DH and I are not quite 20 something (both 32) we are in the process of buying our first house. We'll be in the suburbs of San Diego (so yes everyone thinks we're nuts especially here) but it does have almost half an acre of land. DH and I are splitting the "food stuff", he's planning the garden while I'm doing the chicken thing. We're so excited to get started it's just torture to know most of it will have to wait till next spring since we'll be moving in the summer. My dad had chickens when I was a kid and I grew up with horses but that's it, DH is a city boy through and through. Somewhere there's a country boy lurking though, he mentioned getting a bread maker a couple months ago!

Becoming as self sufficient as possible is not a bad thing. Welcome to the club.
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You're not crazy at all. The way the worlds going at the moment, your friends and family may be begging you for some eggs soon.

Not only are chickens enjoyable as pets, they are also a means to self-sufficiency, which in my opinion is the smartest thing any of us can do.
I'm in my 60's and my DH turning 70 shortly. Why did we wait so long???? I came from a farm but my DH did not. He was a city boy now an old farmer.
Although you may not want to hear this, stay just a little bit crazy, but do stay in the city. The country side is already to crowded. Take a drive and enjoy the open countryside, while also seeing first hand, how crowded we are.
I am 20, and when I started raising chickens I had almost no farm experience. The closest thing to farm experience I had was going to see the chickens at my grandparents' neighbors house. And I rode horses.

Other than that I had no idea what to do...and now about 5yrs later...I am hooked!!!


I raised chickens in an urban area too. Residential neighborhood.
I'm a 25 year old Mom who was born and raised in Chicago and somehow ended up out here in Fayetteville, NC with my 2 kids, SSG husband (Army) and 7 chickens. Before last year I had never even seen a real live chicken before... lol
I love it!
I was not raised on a farm. (wish I was thought.)
I'll be 38 this month.
I just got my first chicks yesterday.

I've been doing research since last fall, but I still feel like I don't know what I'm doing.

We moved to WV last September. We now have a big enough yard, and not in the "burbs", so I wanted to try having chickens.

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