Am I the only 25 year married female that is...

I'm just a teenager and I've been raised in suburbia all my life. My grandparents used to have a couple of chickens a LONG time ago, but that was when my dad was 6 or 7, so he doesn't remember a thing!

Most of my family and friends think it's really cool that I'm raising chickens! This is totally new to me...until last month I had never even seen a baby chick in person!! lol
I think I can relate, I am 22, Married, l grew up in a leave it to beaver Nieghborhood with a white pickett fence. the only difference is that my husband grew up on a ranch, so he's not all into this like I am, because he grew up doing this all the time. I on the other hand am super excited, and he just sits there laughing at me bouncing of the walls
, checking my temp and humidity levels every 2 minutes, and spending every spare moment on this forum
! I Manage a Self Storage buisness, and live on site, so i'm home almost 24/7 this is a perfect thing to keep me from going crazy, although my Husband thinks it has made me crazy! LOL! I just read this to him and he is cracking up
, because he truly thinks I have gone Chicken CRAZY!
I am 25 years old I just started raising chickens last spring. My DH though i was joking when i first suggested the idea. Neither one of us have ever raised chickens although we are both from rural (well what a lot of people would consider rural) areas. But we are both having a blast and DH did a GREAt job at building his first chicken coop.
Little does he know he is about to build a second
I am 25 years old I just started raising chickens last spring. My DH though i was joking when i first suggested the idea. Neither one of us have ever raised chickens although we are both from rural (well what a lot of people would consider rural) areas. But we are both having a blast and DH did a GREAt job at building his first chicken coop.
Little does he know he is about to build a second
I'm turning 30 this year and have always lived in relatively medium sized towns, half suburb and half rural. My parents aren't really "animal people" though so I was allowed to have 1 pet at a time growing up. This meaning if I wanted a new pet I had to give the old one up. Over the years growing up I had several rabbits (at different times), 1 dog, 1 cat, 1 sheep, and 1 bantam. The sheep and the chicken came when I was in high school. First I brought home the bantam as a chick after we rescued it from under the coop at school where the rats were killing the chicks. We kept him for a few months but when he started crowing from 2am to 10pm, pretty much non-stop, my parents said he had to go so I gave him to a local farmer. Then I had my sheep for a few years but when I moved out with my then BF we went to an apartment and Jovite (my Dorset ram) went to another local farmer.

In 1999 I started raising rabbits in my apartment and that grew into a small show herd over the years, moving from place to place.

My DH was raised in a no pets home in a large suburb. I really introduced him to the joys of animal ownership. We met the year after I started raising the rabbits and he helped with the rabbits for a few years. Then I brought home a kitten which he instantly fell in love with, so that led to another kitten, and then an aging cat. Then added a horse, then 2 goats, and then the first chickens he had ever raised and really my first real chicken experience in 2007. All the while I have had my show bunnies but now I am selling out of rabbits to take some time off and work with the chickens. We had 10 in our original flock, 9 hens, 1 roo. Sold original roo when I got my 25 new chicks since I want only Wyandotte roos so I know that the eggs my W hens lay will be purebreds.

My family has been relatively supportive even if they really don't understand my wanting to have tons of animals. My DH's family thinks that I am totally nuts and I'm dragging their sweet boy into my craziness, lol!
My husand thinks the same thing of me. We havn't even gotten the chicks yet. They come in mid April and I have already been looking around to get more.
I am 27 moved to the country last year. I wanted chickens, My wife took awhile to convince. When we went and got them last thursday my wife and kids loved the little chicks! I have 5 Buff Orphingtons pullets. I just read a couple books about chickens. My family thanks it is funny!

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