Ameracauna Cross Hen?Roo?

One thing I have found, the chicks that are the most friendly and cuddly and sweet are usually roos. I had a black cochin, a white faced black spanish, a bbr araucana, 2 wheaton ameraucanas, a mottled houdan, one that I had no idea what he was, and a black sumatra that all were like you described Peanut to be and they all turned out roosters. Very sad because one of them ended up in chicken and dumplings (too many roos). :
But on the other hand all ameraucanas are extremely sweet, I have 28 of them.
I've finally deduced that Peanut is a Silver Laced Wyandotte,not the Ameracauna that I was led to believe.
Disappointing,but not a total loss by any means.
I'm pretty sure little Peanut is a roo,but I enjoy the sound of a good crow in the morning.

We live and we learn,and now I know that I need to be totally sure of the breed I'm getting BEFORE I go pay for it.
Poor Peanut,(s)he's a reject at birth,a mystery breed,then the shocking discovery of the flock.

Oh well,I love Peanut.Thank you all for your feedback,this has helped me greatly and Peanut will be around BYC for years to come

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