Ameracauna gender and color question

ND Sue

10 Years
Sep 20, 2009
I got some straight run chicks from a breeder and I can't remember if he said they were lavender or blue.
Can you tell me which this looks like? Also does it look like a pullet or cockerel?

Must be a blue, because the color on my lavs is solid and much paler. I am no expert, but looks like a beautiful boy to me. I love the light and dark shading. Stunning bird!!
Thank you all so much for your input and compliments! I don't know anything about this breed but wanted some blue eggs.
I had my suspicion that he was a rooster! So far, he doesn't crow and leaves the girls alone, so I wasn't positive though.

Can I bother you all for one more critique? This one I KNOW is a rooster! He's obnoxious and chases the hens relentlessly and is crowing. He's a brother or hatchmate of the guy above.

I am curious about the red feathers on his back... what causes that? I assume it's a fault in the color? Or could someone have "jumped the fence" at the breeders?

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I love my blue AMs and yeah I
to Jean. I thought I had a pullet for 7 months. I got lots of different opinions and now I just wait for Jean to answer if I can't do it myself. LOL She's the Queen!

They can be tricky sometimes.

Your little cockerel at the bottom is concidered an EE. Still pretty though.

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