Ameraucana Hen or Roo??


Jun 6, 2015
About 18 weeks ago, I purchased 4 Ameraucana chicks....3 out of the 4 have turned out to be roos. Well...this little guy (or gal) has yet to crow, so it has me wondering if it's not a girl....

It does make noise that sound more like a duck or a dinosaur, but no crowing. All the others were crowing well before now. My older roo does chase it sometimes, but they never have fought, nor has this one gone after my other ladies like the other Ameraucana roos. I am keeping my fingers crossed, but not too hopeful that I don't have to cull another rooster. I would like to be able to have at least 1 out of the 4 be a hen that I can keep.
Thanks everyone! Y'all just confirmed what I was thinking. I was just hoping maybe I was wrong. I guess he'll just become chicken dinner soon. I already have one wonderful rooster for my 10 ladies.
He's a cockerel, no doubts. Saddle feathers don't lie. He's not crowing because the other one is dominant. Crowing is a way of claiming territory and females. He doesn't want to crow or he'll get thrashed by the dominant male.
He's really pretty, but I see those long pointy hackle feathers around his neck. Bummer. Next time, be sure to buy sexed chicks, so you don't get the boys pawned off on you, sold as "straight run".

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