Ameraucana or Easter Egger mix?


8 Years
Aug 5, 2014
I bought eight "Ameraucana" chicks but im not sure if they're mixed or what. They all have ear muffs and beards and black legs but some of them are oddly colored.

It's the bigger one on the right they grey one

This is the most puzzling one

another one in between two Cochin chicks

Sorry its blurry but I've never had an amerauca that's black and white

Thanks guys and gals - Jake
They look like EE's to're black and white is a common color for EE roos. EE's come in a variety of colors, and most I've seen have muffs and beards, as well as slate legs.
Thank you! I've only ever had blue ameraucanas so i wasn't sure about all the different colors hopefully they'll be a nice bunch!
I breed blue and black Ameraucana which means you'll always get either blue, black, or splash, but one thing I like about EE's is you never know what you'll get. I have some friends who simply love EE's and they've had some of the most interesting color
Yeah their colors are really beautiful I think only two of them looked alike at the beginning because they were solid black, but now ones getting orange neck feathers and the other white. Thank you!
I learned from an article Easter Egger is a different name for an Amaracauna. But there are lots of people who get upset when I call my EE an Amaracauna. Same thing ;)
I learned from an article Easter Egger is a different name for an Amaracauna. But there are lots of people who get upset when I call my EE an Amaracauna. Same thing
Actually Ameraucana and EE are different, though some breeders and hatcheries call EE's Americana (with the "i"). Ameraucana have standards of perfection where EE's do not, they don't conform to any specific breed and you can not breed 2 EE's and get a true color. If you go through the list of recognized breeds, an EE isn't one of them, and it probably won't be until you can breed 2 identicall colored EE's and get all chicks that color I would assume.
Here's another article explaining some differences.
I learned from an article Easter Egger is a different name for an Amaracauna. But there are lots of people who get upset when I call my EE an Amaracauna. Same thing
Calling an Easter egger an Ameraucana is akin to calling any medium/large short haired good natured black dog that likes to play fetch a Lab. Similarities, yet still worlds apart.

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