Ameraucana or Easter Egger


In the Brooder
Aug 13, 2016
San Diego
Pretty standard question...

We got our chicks at the local feed store. The chickens in question were being sold as "Ameraucanas"...but there was no signage. I only spoke with the folks helping us. I looked up breed information briefly just to make sure that they were a breed of chicken that would work for us, and didn't see anything about Ameraucanas/AmerIcanas/Aracamas/Easter Eggers.

As they grow though, I am thinking that they are not Ameraucanas, which is totally fine with us. We were not too picky on breed type.

Thoughts? They are 6 weks old.

Beverly (We hope):

Margaret (We hope):
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Easter eggers.

It's good you're not too bent out of shape about it. Some folks get all worked up, and they'd never even heard of Ameraucana before that trip to the feed store. All they wanted was nice backyard birds that lay colored eggs....and that's exactly what you get with EE. Unless you're doing a color project, etc, EE are as good or better for backyard flocks. I like them because there's such a variation in color, both of feathers and eggs. If you breed pure Ameraucana, all your birds are the same color (black, wheaten, etc) and all lay the same color eggs. I like variety in my flock
That pretty much sums up what we wanted, a chicken that can generally be expected to play well with others and adds some egg color variation. We have a Rhode island Red, two Barred Rocks, and these two (hopefully) ladies.
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