Ameraucana Rooster or Hen?!

I could guess that Toot may be laying a brown/cream colored egg & Hoot the green/blue. I have 6 EE hens only 1 does not have a beard & tuffs, she lays a light cream colored egg. The rest are bearded and lay blue/green eggs.

p.s. they are pretty girls.
This would be my guess also. I have heard (don't know how true it is) that the farther away from SOP they get the less likely they are to have that blue egg laying gene. Since Toot doesn't have the beard and muffs and Hoot does, I would guess the blue egg is from Hoot and Toot is laying brown eggs.
Hi, I know this is an older thread but the last thread I asked on is old to and still no answer. My husband got some birds and have know idea if they are roos or pullets, how old and what they are!! I believe they might be barred rocks and ameraucana crossed. I thought they were all pullets and that was what they were sold as but I'm looking and think I have roos and pullets. Any help would be great!! Thank you!

It seems like EEs are hard to tell sex! Any input on this five month old? I thought hen, because a roo that hatched the same time as I got her had already developed a huge comb and tail feathers, but now she seems to be growing a lustrous tail.

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