Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

So Jean you didn't answer if you knew anyone in Ohio that may have Wheaten chicks or started pullets or cockerels? Plus another ? Do Wheatens get more color as they get older? My pullets are similar to the ones above with beautiful full beards. Picture is not so good. She was right around 6 months and lays beautiful eggs
I know nothing about wheatons and the color. I can only comment on structure. This is just my opinion..and I share it to not only learn, but to teach and hope others also share opinions. I mean nothing negative to any one's birds. It is not criticisms. It is observations from photos only. Photo are harsh judgments and most birds look totally different in person and when you put your hands on them. I have to guess at bone structure on a two denominational surface.

Her wing should tip down at a angle to the hock.It might be perfect and the photo angle is making it look straight and tucked up. Her tail is at the correct angle. Her neck is a bit short and it causes her back/topline to look a bit flat, it has a beautiful curve into the tail and that should be repeated down the head and neck into the top line. It looks like it stops short and sharp at the base of the neck. She needs soft feminine curves. I want to pull her head up longer and softly curve it. Her shoulders are perfect and angled down well into her topline. Her hard feathers in her tail(Dark ones) should be spread a bit more, but she has perfect curve at the top..soft and it. I wonder how wide she is at the tail. She looks narrow in the photo and slightly tipped to the birds right side. A rear photo would help. Frontal pictures helps with chest and leg placement views. Over the top helps with width. I think if we pulled her neck up a bit her chest placement would be perfect.I see her breast bone and it should be softly covered in muscle and well- curved with out being over full. I think if she has a little longer neck she would be perfect. The rest of her would simply go into place.
wings to be well folded and carried above the hock - no information in the standard that says to any particular angle

as far as her neck goes, it looks as if she is cocking her head at weird angles in both pictures
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So Jean you didn't answer if you knew anyone in Ohio that may have Wheaten chicks or started pullets or cockerels? Plus another ? Do Wheatens get more color as they get older? My pullets are similar to the ones above with beautiful full beards. Picture is not so good. She was right around 6 months and lays beautiful eggs
No, I do not know anyone with wheaten stock available. No, the pullet will not get more color as she matures. Cockerels do however, take longer to get their final plumage and beard color in.
little background story and question. I was going to get some eggs from a person. they said they have a blue wheaten rooster, over blue hens. And that they are hatching blue, black, splash, wheaten, and blue wheaten. So what they are saying is you do get pure colors from this cross. Is this true, would you really get these colors?
little background story and question. I was going to get some eggs from a person. they said they have a blue wheaten rooster, over blue hens. And that they are hatching blue, black, splash, wheaten, and blue wheaten. So what they are saying is you do get pure colors from this cross. Is this true, would you really get these colors?

I know it is such short notice wanting to know the anwser to this question and everything, but they want to now if I want the eggs. But I want to make sure that I am not just going to get a bunch of EEs out of this, when i would be paying for pure AMs. Thanks in advance for any help
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She had really nice coloring on the tail before, and I'm hoping the new feathers have it. I really need to handle her more. She did NOT like me following her with the camera.


I was asking her to learn. She's the first pullet that I've hatched from the birds I have. I'm surprised she looks as nice as she does. I'm not sure which of the hens was the mother. There are 4 of them it could be.

The brat will not let me get a top view, she totally freaks if I'm over her.

She's growing in about 6 or so feathers in the tail area, and has a lot of pinfeathers. I apparently should have waited to take pictures.

Her crop is full and feeling she might be kind of skinny in the chest area from what I could feel.

I know it is such short notice wanting to know the anwser to this question and everything, but they want to now if I want the eggs. But I want to make sure that I am not just going to get a bunch of EEs out of this, when i would be paying for pure AMs. Thanks in advance for any help

I know it is such short notice wanting to know the anwser to this question and everything, but they want to now if I want the eggs. But I want to make sure that I am not just going to get a bunch of EEs out of this, when i would be paying for pure AMs. Thanks in advance for any he

I wouldn't do it.
yeah they sent me pics of the chicks, they are still try to get me to buy them. the blues are deifnatly not pure blues. Thanks for saving me their jean. I would of just paid $45 for some more easter eggers. Not that I dont like EEs, but I can get some for $15
Ok, thanks jean for the adive, I really do appreciate it. Have you heard of someone doing that before?

The only reason someone would do something like this would to be to make blue wheatens from wheatens when there is no birds available to them. This would take many generations to get the color back and I believe this is how the original blue wheatens came about.

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