Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

These are my two beAutiful EE's. My new additions to my flock. Love love them. But not sure what coloring they are and if they are pullets or cockreals. Any ideas?
thank you!

I only see 1 and it is a cockerel. No real color pattern here. Looks to have some Columbian color influence. Very common in EE.
THANKS! I feel better having my suspicions confirmed. Will I be looking for the typical comb size and color to differentiate or are there other little tricks for these guys?

Yes comb size and color plus a cockerels tail feathers grow slower. Some say cockerels have thicker legs but I never use that method.

Thanks again! I'll back in a few weeks with pics!
I know you guys get a lot of color questions and this has probably been answered before... But I've been curious what color this is, and is this an EE or Ameraucauna? She was sold to me as an Ameraucauna about 2 years ago.


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