American(Buff, Blue, Lavander,etc.)goose thread! Post pics!

Hello! I am new to geese. I just got a trio of American buff goslings. They are three weeks old. I seem to be having a few problems. I am treating one of them for what I believe to be a niacin deficiency. He has a swollen leg and very lethargic. I am putting 250 mg Niacin in a gallon of water and giving him that all day. He is on game bird starter. It has been 5 days and no improvement. Any advice? Also a question : I put in game starter and they do not seem interested in the crumbles at all. All they seem to want to eat is lettuce and greens. Can they have too many greens at this point. Should I not give them the greens if that's all they will eat? Also, if I am giving game bird starter - is there such thing as too much Niacin? I also have Ancona ducklings and I have been giving them the same food/water with Niacin - does anyone know about them (too much Niacin?)
Greens and grass are great for them. Are they eating any of the crumbles? I don't think that you can OD on Niacin. You may want to start a new thread to get more traffic seeing it. I am concerned that it is something more than a niacin deficiency.
If he is hurt severely and shows no signs of getting better get medicated start and grow , it really helps heal sick and wounded water foul . Also there is a chance it could make it sterol if it's a female no eggs will be fertil and if it's a boy no semen will be fertil . But thees only a like 1 and 100 chance of the happening. ( worth the risk if you want it to live )

Also be sure to introduce them to a lot of people and make them friendly with everyone , or they will not be calm geese but loud . And attack everything .
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Greens and grass are great for them. Are they eating any of the crumbles? I don't think that you can OD on Niacin. You may want to start a new thread to get more traffic seeing it. I am concerned that it is something more than a niacin deficiency.
I think at this point I have come to the same conclusion. He hasn't grown at all since we got him. He is pooping so I do not think it is an obstruction. The other two are doing really well so I do not think that it is a brooder or feed problem. What are your thoughts on apple cider vinegar?
I think at this point I have come to the same conclusion. He hasn't grown at all since we got him. He is pooping so I do not think it is an obstruction. The other two are doing really well so I do not think that it is a brooder or feed problem. What are your thoughts on apple cider vinegar?
ACV is a good antibacterial and a good tonic 1-2 Tablespoons per gal of water. I would keep up with the niacin also because some water fowl just need more than others.

Their are like tweety more eggs under these

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