American serama thread!

Re: rooster semen
If I'm not mistaken, hens once exposed to a rooster can lay fertile eggs for quite some time. I would really suggest that you stop, take some deep breaths, and RELAX a little. :) Better for all concerned, that way! :)

Re: Losing birds
Well, now if that doesn't just stink! I am so sorry for your losses! Would definitely clean out the entire pen COMPLETELY--corners, under, over, sides, wire--EVERYTHING gets swept, torched and washed as applicable--perches, feeders, heater, no exceptions. Would disinfect thoroughly after that with 10% bleach (1 part Chlorox bleach, 9 parts water) and let dry. Then rebed with clean new shavings and fresh hay from a new bale, give fresh feed and water.

I would definitely put up a solid divider on the dog-side of that run, the whole length and height. If he doesn't have to see them, they don't have to see him, and all will be much less spooky overall. (and hopefully quieter too). Might also want to put up a 'game camera' that is motion-activated, in case it's something coming to the coop during the day (like the owl that was freaking my rabbits out by sleeping on the cages...LOL!).

Best of luck and have a better week!
Lol thanks! Last thing! I know of a rooster that some farmer dropped off near a local super market. He is not huge, but he is bigger than my serama... I see him all the time and he tends to run away from humans, not charge at them. Do you think it would be a good Idea to tie a soft string aroun my seramas leg so I can keep her from running or getting hurt, and take her to the rooster to mate??? She is squatting a lot, and I really want chicks.

First of all, you have NO IDEA if this roo has any diseses or external bugs that he could pass on to your hen, so why would you want to risk that? If you want babies, you can find serama roos for free, I have one I could give you right now. A larger roo could hurt a smaller hen, if he is heavy he could hurt her leg joints etc....
Here he is!
Robby, I am only giving you my personal opinion from the Standard of Perfection for showing. From this picture it appears he only has 4 points on his comb [should be five]. His color is very pretty, Tail nice and vertical, but is alittle sparse feather wise yet. I am assuming he is not posed, so, he would need to stand more vertical, from eye/shoulder/wing tip should be a straight line. Should have a nice round upright chest once the vertical is in alignment. He is a handsome boy. Are you interested in showing? Have you tried working with him to pose?
Anyone have a serama pullet, or hen they are willing to sell me? My poor hen is all alone after I got the roo a new home... He's was loud:(

You live in Miami correct? Grady Taylor and Dianne Brewer [Paradise Seramas] lives in FLA, let me see who else does...Jerry S. lives in LA as well..... OR you can google serama breeders, they ALWAYS have PQ to sell/give away.
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You live in Miami correct? Grady Taylor and Dianne Brewer [Paradise Seramas] lives in FLA, let me see who else does...Jerry S. lives in LA as well..... OR you can google serama breeders, they ALWAYS have PQ to sell/give away.
i dont usually go to breeders because they can be very expensive... i was looking for somone who can sell me and extra bird. thanks though!
Robby, I am only giving you my personal opinion from the Standard of Perfection for showing. From this picture it appears he only has 4 points on his comb [should be five]. His color is very pretty, Tail nice and vertical, but is alittle sparse feather wise yet. I am assuming he is not posed, so, he would need to stand more vertical, from eye/shoulder/wing tip should be a straight line. Should have a nice round upright chest once the vertical is in alignment. He is a handsome boy. Are you interested in showing? Have you tried working with him to pose?

Thank you for your opinion. He was starting to bend over I will work with him later. I would like to show. He has frostbite so his fifth point is blending in.
larps 1234 breeders often have extra birds contact some of the people froggiesheins suggested. they will have a rooster for you. if you were closer I would give you one. most breeders have a few pet quality birds, they may be slightly over allowed weight, or have too many points on their combs or some little flaw that will keep them from being a top bird. but they would make a great mate for your hen.
A friend of mine lost his house to a fire over the weekend. I'm donating these three birds, to auction off to raise funds for him and his family. If you're interested in these or other items, please visit our auction site.. Serama eggs, and other items are being donated from across the country. The auction starts Thursday, so take a peek when you can. Thanks
These are all beautiful! Very generous of you :) I hope you do well with the auction. Can't imagine being in such a situation.

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