American serama thread!

So these little guys are just too awesome!
I've been thinking about JUST having serama and moving them into the LF coop so I have room for *more* hehe.
I know with most animals, the smaller the "Breed" the more energetic they are so the more space they need, is this true for serama too? Any opinions on how many sqft per birds for these little guys? Would it make a difference if there were lots and lots of "jungle gym" type things and perches in the run for them to explore and hang out on?

Right now I've got 2 full grown and 3 juvies in an 8x3 with 2 levels

edit - my LF coop and run is 2 parts connected - one 12x6 (which is 7 ft tall so LOTS of room to put fun levels and jungle gym things) and one 14x4 only 3 ft tall which spans out under the tree and rabbit hutch which is the fav spot for chicken parties in my yard lol
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So these little guys are just too awesome!
I've been thinking about JUST having serama and moving them into the LF coop so I have room for *more* hehe.
I know with most animals, the smaller the "Breed" the more energetic they are so the more space they need, is this true for serama too? Any opinions on how many sqft per birds for these little guys? Would it make a difference if there were lots and lots of "jungle gym" type things and perches in the run for them to explore and hang out on?

Right now I've got 2 full grown and 3 juvies in an 8x3 with 2 levels

edit - my LF coop and run is 2 parts connected - one 12x6 (which is 7 ft tall so LOTS of room to put fun levels and jungle gym things) and one 14x4 only 3 ft tall which spans out under the tree and rabbit hutch which is the fav spot for chicken parties in my yard lol

Not sure about sq. ft...just wanted to add my Seramas can fly to the top of my 7' fence to roost.
Not sure about sq. ft...just wanted to add my Seramas can fly to the top of my 7' fence to roost.

It has a top on it =) way too many cats in my neighborhood not to have them totally secure. Toy is an AWESOME flyer. They are so fun to watch! MY yard is small, but he can fly across the whole thing in one swoop. I'm shocked he's never crossed the fence and visited neighbors
had to share. Mentioned redrooster farm eggs awhile back this is a serama i got from her. This is Junior. Hes a little rough because of shipping but wanted to share :)
Beautiful, just came on to see if anyone knew of someone that had eggs, or shipped birds. Was this expensive? The bird is very handsome!
Just wow.
Look what I convinced my mom to get for Tweet.


Perfect for Tweet and a few Seramas, eh? It has 2 nest boxes, an attached run (not shown), and windows, roosts, and doors.
Wow. Just wow. Look what I convinced my mom to get for Tweet. Perfect for Tweet and a few Seramas, eh? It has 2 nest boxes, an attached run (not shown), and windows, roosts, and doors.
thats soo cool how much was it!
It's in Allentown (no more than 20 minutes from me, so it's not a 2 hour drive. It's $900 but I think we're gonna pay like $20 a month or something.
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