American serama thread!

they absolutely will, I used a 36 inch tall by 30 by 18 cage with multiple height perches and they loved it except at feeding or in the morning when they all had the urge to drop to the floor at the same time . They would often land on top of each other. Now they free range 24 7 365 and brood hatch and rear their young by themselves.

Larps1234 Serama do crow but the noise is a scratchy rendition. Mine are right outside my BR window and fail to wake me. Useless alarm clocks
. That said they do get the hens across the street in a bother and have yelling wars with the leghorn a block awaytThey can annoy sensitive neighbors though and they will crow at all hours of the night if they get disturbed. During the warmer weeks when my sensitive neighbor opens her window I crate the roo in the coop or in the house.

That way I can wake HIM in the morning so HE'S not late for work.
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Just candled my Serama eggs that are in lockdown from BHep... I have an internal pip!!!

Looks like I lost 2 to the lethal gene though...
Hi everyone! Haven't been around in a little bit, been busy as heck!

I was wondering if anyone else's roos change their crow? There are a handful of roosters on my street and I can quite easily tell their crows apart. Then the other day when I was working outside I heard one that was new and it turned out it was my outside serama roo Taco! I've had him for maybe 5 or 6 months? And I think he was around a year old when I got him. He hasn't grown at all, but where he kind of used to drop off at the end of his crow giving him a shorter and little squeakier crow than the big boys around the block is now much longer and a little louder. He literally sounds just like a mini of my big mega-man roo. Coooooock-a-doooooodle-doooooooooo where it used to be more cock-a-dooo and then drop off.

Also, does anyone else use wood pellets for bedding? I decided to give it a try a couple weeks ago, hoping it would be cleaner than the shavings since they are so light they fly all over the place when the babies barely move and make quite a mess. Is it just me or do shavings control the smell better than pellets?
This is the mess I wake up every single morning. That is ONE NIGHTs work. I still have half a 40lb bag but I think I'm just going to go back to shavings anyway. They seem to better control smell, and they are way cheaper and a big bag lasts me longer.

I cannot WAIT to get these guys outside... We don't have a garage so we gotta wait until they are cold hardy enough to put in a grow out brooder. These aren't serama though - Turtle and Elena are going outside into the outside brooder today!.... as soon as a I remount the door... pictures this afternoon! I'm very proud of my dresser brooder =)

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