American serama thread!

Thank you for the information. I kept reading all the standards and couldn't find anything about the leg color so it is good to know that when the breed standard becomes more refined as more colors are accepted into the ABA that the preferred leg color will be yellow. Will this be for both the table top and cage shows. I guess it would have to be all the shows that are sanctioned by the ABA.

It makes things a little easier when you have a standard to breed for

thanks again
i have fallen behind sooook much but update, took my serama roo to fair, he placed first and got reserve champion,gpt drawn by a lady who loved him,now has an ego,and has grown in his feathers fully


 I have been thinking about the small cage seen in this image tell me did you make it or purchase it? Are they expensive?

Here are the"specs on making one, I now use hardware cloth as chickenwire was TOO hard to work with....
Get a wooden embrodery hoop (JoAnns Fabris / Michaels) 14" or larger, depends on what size cage you want, AND some nice cardboard to make three layers thick for the bottom, STRONG heavy thread and a large sharp needle, Elmers glue and some paint for the cardboard.

The embrodery hoop size determines how big it is and you can decide the height. Cut hardware cloth to fit around the INNER hoop. The OUTER hoop will be put around the hardware cloth and tightened to hold it in place. The cardboard is cut the same size as the OUTER hoop. CRISSCROSS the 3 layers of cardboard and glue together w/Elmers. Once you have the top put together and you SEW the seam (where the hardware cloth meets) then you take the carboard and shove it INSIDE the bottom of the cage. Take your strong thread/cord and sew the cardboasr to the hardware cloth with a blanket stitch. After you are done sewing it together, paint the cardboard on both sides for durability.
Its a simple as that.... Need more Info just ask. :D

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