American serama thread!

Well three eggs that pipped in the normal places hatched over night. Still waiting on two. Last night I helped the chick who had been pipped for over a day in the wrong end... Well I actually just broke the shell a bit around the egg and then he was able to hatch himself... but then over night he just laid down and died. I don't get it. He was ready to hatch (no blood) and did the hatching part himself (not all the breaking the shell part). After he hatched he was active walking around and peeping. Any idea what happened? He did seem to have a tiny bit of the weird white foamy poop substance coming from his vent?
Did the chick have access to food and water? When I have a chick that was stuck I give sugar water or pedialite via dropper within an hour or two then try to make sure they can peck at food. I think when they get stuck it can depleate the yolk and dehydrate the chick. Yes chicks don't technically need food or water for 24hrs, but if they spend that buffer time struggling in the egg they come out weak and hungry.
I've also heard people say that when a chick is mal-positioned it can interfere with how the yolk sac is absorbed and things can be out of place internally leading to a chicks death.

I'm sorry for your loss, but YaY!! for little chicks. I'm glad you have babies.
Not disagreeing with Roada, just giving my procedure. I wait 24 hours because alot of times they can still zip from the wrong end with no help. Especially if its a good, strong pip. I also use a thin coat of Vaseline to moisten membranes. And I do not use wet paper towels.

I complete agree with you but I don't know about the Vaseline. I have lost chicks due to letting them go 24 hours so I usually let them go a few hours and if they don't make any progress I help them.
I would personally take them before she cracks the egg with the rocks. If you can since she seems to want more than one egg to sit on give her a golf ball or two even Easter eggs. This other option is up to you but there is always the option to give her more eggs you know you want to.
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Well, we had two serama chicks hatch, a day before they were actually due. We lifted her up before we left and there was no pips or anything, we came home and saw broken eggshell, so we lifted her again, and she had two chicks underneath her!
They are both blonde little babies. Already one of them is curious, and always has his or her head out from underneath mama, the second stays underneath her more often.

This is them, when we first lifted Mama Uma up. The one in the back is the curious chick, the other one is just newly hatched, but still managed to run back underneath Uma when we put her back down.
I would personally take them before she cracks the egg with the rocks. If you can since she seems to want more than one egg to sit on give her a golf ball or two even Easter eggs. This other option is up to you but there is always the option to give her more eggs you know you want to.
I will get the rocks out. I will see what I have to replace them with. I'd love to give her more eggs!
Hi, everyone. I just purchased this guy and didn't notice his ear lobes till I got him home. He has yellow ear lobes.... Could he still be a Serama or do you think he is not full blodded or can some seramas have yellow ear lobes?
Question! I've been looking around at a lot of pictures of Seramas and would love to have a serama flock of my own but I'm still learning about the breed. I checked out eBay and noticed lots of them have Seramas with pointy breasts. Not beautifully rounded like ive seen but some of the ones on eBay have Seramas with breast bones that jut out and back in at a sharp angle. Is this normal? It's certainly undesirable to me but what do I know? I like the full rounded chest instead.

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