American serama thread!

the very first blue serama to appear on the scene was a blue red. I have pics someplace, just need to locate them,
BTW, I recently created A Blue Brested Golden Duck Wing Serama Colors/newseramacolors009.jpg Serama Colors/newseramacolors011.jpg Serama Colors/newseramacolors012.jpg
5 months old, adult feathers coming in.
I like what I see, type decent for age

Wow he's really cool!!!!
I keep them in between 24 and 48 hours. Then if nobody else is pipping, I take them out to the brooder. Mostly because as someone else said, it keeps the hatcher cleaner if you still have eggs in there. I also grind their food for the first two weeks. I also have a feeder with full size chick starter in it, so they can mess with it if they want to. Then after two weeks I start mixing half and half in the "ground up food" feeder. Usually at two weeks they are fine eating just the full size chick starter, but I'm paranoid to just take out the ground up stuff. Also if I have some that are extra small, I keep the ground up food in longer.

I use my hova bator as the hatcher, and if you put ground up food in there, it gets into the teeny holes in the styrafoam and it's really hard to get it all out.
Awww so cute!!!!
Our roo is just like a baby too
He will let us do anything to him. He is such a good boy, and really nice to the hens. It's so fun to watch him when he is watching over the flock, and if a bird or a plane goes over, he's so cute and gets all tall and puffed up and sounds the alarm - ready to go into action and save everyone, even the hens that are 6 times his size
When treats are handed out, he just gives his to all of the girls too, except he might eat one piece if none of the girls come over ... even with meal worms, he gives them to the girls.
I have never done this, but I've read that is correct to keep the top and bottom beak even by trimming. So far I've not needed to though.

When I had a bunny, she was like our rooster, she would lay upside down in my lap for hours. When she was a baby, she would lay upside down in my hand for hours! I would put her in my lap for a movie and pet her head until she fell asleep
When it was time to trim her teeth, she would just lay still and let me trim them with toenail clippers, and do her toes too. She was the best bunny!!! She was one of my favorite pets ever - someday I'll have to have a bunny again!
I keep them in between 24 and 48 hours. Then if nobody else is pipping, I take them out to the brooder. Mostly because as someone else said, it keeps the hatcher cleaner if you still have eggs in there. I also grind their food for the first two weeks. I also have a feeder with full size chick starter in it, so they can mess with it if they want to. Then after two weeks I start mixing half and half in the "ground up food" feeder. Usually at two weeks they are fine eating just the full size chick starter, but I'm paranoid to just take out the ground up stuff. Also if I have some that are extra small, I keep the ground up food in longer.

I use my hova bator as the hatcher, and if you put ground up food in there, it gets into the teeny holes in the styrafoam and it's really hard to get it all out.

Oh, I forgot to add, when they are in the bator, it is SO fun to put their food in the lid of a small tupperware and then you tap the food with your finger and make bok bok noises. It's hilarious because they will ALL come running and mob your finger looking for the food!!! Once they go out to the brooder, they don't do this as much, I think because there is so much more interesting stuff to investigate and try to eat.

Like I said, it makes a huge mess though. I use that puffy, rubber mat stuff like you put under carpets to keep them from sliding in the bottom of the hatcher. It gives the chicks really good traction, and helps the eggs not roll around. But, the little holes let the powdered food fall into the styrafoam and it's so messy.
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Hi, I have not hatched anything the last month...
Wanted to let the last ones grown out some
and If I hatched them all I would have about a 100 by now....

I just set eggs from Dippsy Doddle....

We are moving soon, but when we settle and have a proper set up
I am going to purchase a good pair . I have to give up most or all of my LF breeding stock
but will be able to pursue my love affair with Serama.

Question???????? How do you respond using another persons post. Can't figure ot out.

Wishing everyone a great day........

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