Americana/Easter egger chick. Blood in stool.


Dec 24, 2016
I seen blood in the stool, I have them on starter/grower feed. I read a lot of forms about this. I was told they have pulled Corid off the shelf due to the fda. Someone suggested medicated chick starter that I have put them back on. I also drove over and hour and a half and got some Corid just in case. Should I treat all 3 of them or wait to see if the medicated chick starter works?
Sometimes little bits of intestinal lining come out in the poop. A tiny bit of red/blood occasionally is normal, but any more than that is something to be worried about. Is it more than a little?
Thank you but it's a more than a lttle. They are young 2 or 3 weeks old. I think it's coming from 1 of them. The littlest one, like the runt of the group. I was giving it water by syringe for a few days at first. She is eating and drinking on her own and seems normal minus the blood.
Unfortunately I don't know much about cocciditis, (Forgive my spelling :/) but I have read from multiple sources that medicated feed is a strict preventative measure only. It won't treat it. Also, you need to separate the affected chick and clean the healthy chicks bedding and living environment ASAP. You should probably do a little independent research anyway. Good luck, I hope your chick gets better.
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Can you post any pictures of the poop? Are you seeing any sleepy looking chicks or any not eating? It won't hurt to start them on Corid, and leave them together. Make sure to keep their bedding clean and dry. I would stir it and add clean pine shavings aa needed. Keep their waterer up to their shoulder height to keep droppings out. Mix 1 1/2 tsp of the Corid powder to a gallon of water, and change it daily, and treat for 5-7 days.
None of them looked sleepy I thought but I lost one. It was a bigger chick. I've lost 2 of of the 4. Next ones will be older. This is my 3 batch of baby's and no problems till now.
Corid is still on feed store shelves. There may be confusion at feed stores due to FDA regs that took antibiotics off shelves last Dec. but Corid is not an antibiotic. Coccidiosis is more common when there have been multiple ages of chicks. As they grow up they become tolerant of the cocci in droppings and dirt. Corid will not harm any of them.
I did drive across town and bought some. I have not noticed and more blood. Should i treat the 2 i have left. They seem to be acting normal as possible.
I did drive across town and bought some. I have not noticed and more blood. Should i treat the 2 i have left. They seem to be acting normal as possible.
Since you have it and have lost two chicks, I would go ahead and treat them. It certainly won't hurt them.
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Thank you. I think I'm going to treat my whole flock. I've put the chicks in the pen before I lost the last one to give them outside time.

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