Americana?? (maybe!?) rooster or hen?..


7 Years
Mar 22, 2012
[=][=][/][/] We bought this chicken and were told it was an Americana hen, but now, looking at pictures I'm not so sure. We have had her (?) for almost 5 weeks now and still No eggs... ( we bought two other "young hens who were laying" from the same girl at the same time and have yet to get any eggs at all, so I'm a little suspicious of anything this girl told me!!...) so what does everyone think?.... I'm not sure on the age, she said it was either born last July or this January.... But who knows what to beleive :) thanks!!
It's an Easter Egger hen. And I agree, they could be holding off from the stress of the move, or illness.
:love my hen like that was hit by a car :( you were told the truth. She will lay you pretty green eggs
She may be a little young to start laying. Try to supplement their light if you can, this will enoucrage them to lay for you! Otherwise with the days getting longer they should start to lay within a few months granted they have plenty of food and water and aren't stressed.
Thanks everyone! She's a super sweet girl :) I thought it could be stress related with the move, but 5 weeks just seemed a little long. I'm trying to make these new girls as comfy as possible. I don't think there last home was very good to them- the brown egg layer I got from there had claws that were probably about 5 inches or longer, and really curly, a couple of her toes had really hard dried up manure balls stuck to them :(. She was sold to us as a frizzle, but as soonas we cut her nails back and she could walk normally, she became a lot less frizzled! I think she was just frazzled is more like it!!! Poor things. At our house they have a ton of space to roam, I don't think they are used to the freedom maybe.
Put some vasalene on there feet if they are dried looking. Apply at dark. It helps suffocate mites that could cause it. Works great.

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