americana roosters or hens!!?

I was wondering about the temperament of the Americana rooster. Are they generally friendly or are they aggressive? I had a barred rock Cockrel that died yesterday and the feed store only has Americana roosters so that is why I am asking.
Some folks will tell you that they are aggressive. I hatched some last year. One of my friends had one of my hatchling roos, and he was aggressive. The eggs that I hatched came from a friend who had an EE roo, and that roo was also aggressive. However, the roo that I have from that batch is a very nice mannered boy. He needs a little training now and then (by my 8 y.o. grand daughter) to remind him of his place in the food chain. But, he does treat the ladies very nice, and has not been people aggressive. So, is he a nice boy because of his training, or is he a nice boy in spite of his not so nice father? Here's my question: Do you want an Ameraucana (I'm betting it's really an EE) rooster? Or do you want an other breed? Roosters are fairly easy to come by. Are these chicks? How old are they? If you want a proven rooster, one who's learned the ropes, and is a seasoned gentleman, you might look for one who's being replaced as a breeder. Otherwise, take your chances with one of these (I assume) young EEs, and train him well.
I am fairly new to raising chickens. I got all my chickens as chicks. They are all about 2 months old. I have 3 barred rock hens, 3 buff orpington hens, and 2 white leg horn hens. I had purchased a barred rock Cockrel about a week and a half ago and I found him dead yesterday. I only want 1 rooster and the local feed store only has Americana right now. I found a couple adds on Craigslist but the people don't know if they are hens or roos. I went ahead and picked up a Americana Cockrel chick. I think he is day old.
I was wondering about the temperament of the Americana rooster. Are they generally friendly or are they aggressive? I had a barred rock Cockrel that died yesterday and the feed store only has Americana roosters so that is why I am asking.

I have one that will climb right up in my lap, another thats totally apathetic to me being anywhere around. They're 9 weeks old and thst could change but for now not aggressive at all. I do think raising them from chicks helps keep them from being aggressive around you

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