Amy Winehouse found dead....

i know what you mean. CNN has been going on and on about how the woman has died and then only mentions the train in China and the Norway deaths as an afterthought.
it's so sad, i've been reading about it all morning, it's everywhere. I didn't even believe it til i saw it on a topic here how did she die???
The official cause of death hasn't been released...I would guess it would have something to do with drugs?
Probably an accidental overdose but may be suicide after what happened last month to her (being booed off stage??)
I would hope that on some level you understand the sorrow of death, regardless of circumstance. If not for the deceased, for the mourning loved ones that they leave behind. Mankind is united in grief. Addicition is a mighty beast that not everyone can overcome.
The official cause of death hasn't been released...I would guess it would have something to do with drugs?
Probably an accidental overdose but may be suicide after what happened last month to her (being booed off stage??)

I dunno, maybe. I just read a news report that someone claimedd to have heard screaming at 3 am from her house.
But who knows.
One reason she didn't have a daughter - her husband spent most of their marriage in jail

Sad, that she wasted her life and talent. Sad for her parents. Not sad for her. She had choices.
I feel nothing for her. She choose her path, made her bed, now it cost her life. Harsh, but that's reality. I have no sympathy who choose to feed thier addicitions rather than get help. Cover the tragedy in Norway, that is news worthy.
I'm not sure "choice" and "addiction" go together.

I have to respectfully disagree, a person can choose not to use drugs in the first place. Is there anyone on the planet that doesn't know crack is addictive?

Her situation (as well as many others) is sad. It is sad to see someone make bad choices and cause pain to the people around them. My sympathies are directed more to them than to her.

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