Amy Winehouse found dead....

I'm not sure "choice" and "addiction" go together.

I have to respectfully disagree, a person can choose not to use drugs in the first place. Is there anyone on the planet that doesn't know crack is addictive?

Her situation (as well as many others) is sad. It is sad to see someone make bad choices and cause pain to the people around them. My sympathies are directed more to them than to her.

People can choose not to use drugs in the first place, I agree. However, people err. I've seen studies that have shown 90%+ addiction rates for certain drugs (meth) for first-time, single use. I believe that all life is sacred, and any death is a tragedy. Do you feel sorrow for those that commit suicide? That's a choice. Those that have heart issues due to poor eating habits? That's a choice. It's a narrow edge to walk, and I believe (although you may not agree) that compassion for all is an ultimately happier way of life than disdain for those that die due to poor choices.
it was bound to happen one day
it just was not certain when
I saw it coming as soon as the stories about her lungs came out

not sure how to feel
as some have said, all death is sad
but the girl really bought it on herself
Being rich and untalented then rocketing to stardom because you lack good judgement, seems to be the new Black. Going to rehab is a joke for these people and makes me wonder why I don't start one up and make some fast cash before the trend fades. Rest assured that she will be immortalized for her poor choices and the young people will think she's great, what a sad state the world is in when this stuff makes the news.
I grew up with subhumans pushing drugs, then beating me when I didn't try them. So, that is a very large part to me, and why I don't feel sorry when someone chooses to start drugs. I had everything go to make me start, I choose to not start.
She was a beautiful & talented woman.
Too bad she had that monkey on her back.
The world is a little worse off today.

Imp- was a bit of a fan
I have to respectfully disagree, a person can choose not to use drugs in the first place. Is there anyone on the planet that doesn't know crack is addictive?

Her situation (as well as many others) is sad. It is sad to see someone make bad choices and cause pain to the people around them. My sympathies are directed more to them than to her.

People can choose not to use drugs in the first place, I agree. However, people err. I've seen studies that have shown 90%+ addiction rates for certain drugs (meth) for first-time, single use. I believe that all life is sacred, and any death is a tragedy. Do you feel sorrow for those that commit suicide? That's a choice. Those that have heart issues due to poor eating habits? That's a choice. It's a narrow edge to walk, and I believe (although you may not agree) that compassion for all is an ultimately happier way of life than disdain for those that die due to poor choices.

I still see their error as a choice.
I never said that I was happy she died, I would not celebrate because of it. I will not let it keep me up at night either though.

My oldest friend has addiction issues. I have tried to help him multiple times with no success. He called me yesterday saying he thought he was having a stroke. I told him to call an ambulance. There really is nothing else I can do. He will die because he made bad choices and continues to make bad choices. It is sad but the only person that can change his situation is him. I had an uncle with a drug problem that did commit suicide. I felt bad for his mother. He chose to take the easy way out. Again I didn't dance when I heard the news. If you eat 4 Big Macs a will die. Are the people around you supposed to act surprised and throw a pity party? I would like to be able to eat four of them a day too but I choose not to because I know the consequences.

I would rather focus my energy on the positive people in my life. They are the ones that add to my life and will return the favor if I need help. I was definately not happier when I was constantly worried about my friend or my uncle.

BTW: I've thrown no stones. I've just spoken what I believe to be the truth.

Was not a fan, but I am really sad to say that some of the statements are very harsh. And it surprises me out of a community of chicken lovers that some are so cold hearted for a person we do not know, or know her circumstance.
I have NEVER been an addict, nor a user, but I think it is a nasty beast that gets hold of some people and they cant fight it.
Off my soapbox now.
How do you feel when people die in car accidents?

What does that have to do with Amy?

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