Amy Winehouse found dead....


Was not a fan, but I am really sad to say that some of the statements are very harsh. And it surprises me out of a community of chicken lovers that some are so cold hearted for a person we do not know, or know her circumstance.
I have NEVER been an addict, nor a user, but I think it is a nasty beast that gets hold of some people and they cant fight it.
Off my soapbox now.

x2. I don't really see why someone could be so harsh about someones death. Even if she was a drug addict, it didn't mean she was pure evil or anything. We didn't even know her.
I would hope that on some level you understand the sorrow of death, regardless of circumstance. If not for the deceased, for the mourning loved ones that they leave behind. Mankind is united in grief. Addicition is a mighty beast that not everyone can overcome.

Sure! I do feel bad for her loved ones! They are really the ones hurt in all of this. Ands thats something to feel bad about.

Amy chose her path. Just like i chose mine. And you chose yours.
Yep.. Its 2011. Amy KNEW what she was getting into when she started messing with drugs. She knew the risks of addiction.
I'm with you on the fact that it's not something I'll lose sleep over. My point is that the dead, regardless of the choices they made in life, at the very least deserve a minutia of compassion and acknowledgement of the sorrow it brings those around them. Not surprising, but to me at least it's sad when people can't overcome their addictions.
I do feel bad that she died...after all, it could have been avoided. But that does not mean that if someone had a feeling that this would be how her life story ends, that that person is bad for feeling that way. Addiction is tough to handle and some people's personalities are more prone to addiction than others'. I do not really have an addictive personality, but I know a couple of people who do. It is just terrible that this happens to many people all over the country and world, and sometimes it is too late for them to get help.
That's too bad, she had so much potential. A lot of addicts just don't think it's going to happen to them, or they don't care if it does.

I heard a lot of people are doing rehab jokes in response to the news of her death.
addiction is a terrible disease. i've seen it take many people. including my step-father(alcohol). it really is not something someone can easily control without the right help.

if you have someone in your life that is addicted to drugs/alcohol i suggest you tell them that you love them.
If addicts truly want the help, the help is out there for them in this country. But they have to truly want to change.
The thing is, Amy had been to rehab SEVERAL times.. she did try to change.
Addiction is a nasty thing. It is a nasty nasty nasty thing. You can stay on your high horse and say 'Well I never did drugs' (and really, good for you!) but a lot of people have tried them and they are not junkies twitching for their next fix.
You dont know her background, family life, DNA makeup, etc that would lead her up to trying drugs and staying on them. So I feel like its hard to judge

What is sad about it all is she was not a bad person. Honestly, I dont know much about her.. Yeah, I know the music and Ive seen all the ill reports about her, but what about all the things they DIDNT report?
TMZ posted a 'Amy over the past year' album and there are many pictures in there where she looked happy and sober. People even said that she was for sure not looking at her lowest and she hadnt even been at her local hang out in over a month. Yes, I have seen the videos posted where she is sloshed at her own concert...

Its SO easy SO SO easy to look down your nose at people like this but, its not right. I think a lot of people do it honestly because they want better for these people, though.

I dont know.. maybe Im just thinking out loud.

And I just wanted to add:
I think people feel more related to deaths of celebs because they feel in closer relation.
We see them in our favorite movies, they give us the music we love, etc..
In a way we feel bonded with them, like we know a part of them

When tragedies strike around the world its a little harder for some people to feel associated with it because we do not know names, faces, stories, etc

Just a thought
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