Amy Winehouse found dead....

Or would you have treated her as just a normal everyday kind of person?

Everyday person, because I have no idea who she is. ...But, I'm not one to swoon over famous people in general, so yeah, normal. That said, that probably isn't typical and I do get what you are saying. You don't even have to be famous to be treated very differently. Just observe how people treat those they view as attractive versus unattractive, those who drive a BMW versus a beat up sedan, those seen as powerful versus powerless, an expert versus an ignoramus. But, you can choose the people you call 'friend', and I find some people, including celebrities, do a much better job of that then others, often because of what sort of drives, desires (and therefore people) they decide are worthwhile.​
Addiction kills: it doesn't discriminate.

Thanks NGT ANGL for posting Russell Brand's touching words about "sick people in need of care". The unfortunate aspect of our free society is that 'sick' people are sometimes allowed to refuse care.

The fact that I knew this was coming, doesn't make it hurt any less.
I hope it scares a few addicts into treatment.

May her lovely soul rest in peace.....
Was reading today that there were no drugs or paraphenalia >spelling< found in her home at the time of death. She had gone home with a friend, stated she wanted to go to bed and when the friend went to wake her Saturday morning, found her dead. She had emphazima >agin spelling< at such a young age from her previous crack use.

Either way, I can not say I'm suprised, but it's still sad. She had such talent but was a train wreck, complete with arms and legs hanging out the windows. May she finally rest in peace
Im going to miss Amy Winehouse! No one can say she wasn't talented because she definitely was. She had the potential to change music history but sadly its now wasted. And actually, she did go to rehab multiple times but got out way to soon. She wrote her song to express how she felt about rehab even though she actually went. Only if she would have stuck with the program.... Its so weird when celebrities die because you feel close to them somehow. Like when Michael Jackson died, I was upset even though I didn't really know him or listen to his music. Its weird not seeing him on the news anymore.
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I was a blubbering idiot when Michael Jackson died!!! when Kurt Cobain died i was just as bad..and when Joey Ramone died...i was in mourning for days....I might still BE in mourning for Joey and just don't want to tell you guys my ugly little secret
I am stunned and deeply saddened that there are people on here who still do not understand that addiction is a biological disease, very similar in nature to diabetes.

diabetics have an illness where their body does not process sugar the same way every one else does. Alcoholics and drug addicts do not process the chemical the same way other people do. The science about alcoholism is overwhelming. I have known many diabetics who knew sugar would lead to their illness and possibly death who could still not give up the candy.

Now, they have discovered that one drug meant for parkinson's disease turned people who had never had a problem into instant out of control gambling addicts who gambled away their life savings in a very short time frame. It is clear that there is a brain chemistry issue.

Yes, there are some choices. But, unless you have been on that path you have NO IDEA how hard and painful those choices may have been.

Try compassion.
Try forgiveness.
Try to be a little more kind. You never know what kind of battle another person is fighting.
I dont necessarily think she made profit from doing drugs. She wrote songs and sang. She got tangled up in drugs and wrote songs about her experiences.
PepsNick - I read it on yesterday but didn't pay attention to the exact date - I would assume that it was released on Sunday since she was found dead on the 24th (?).

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