An Angel's purpose

Personality:Calm quiet doesnt enjoy talking
History:Doesnt like to talk about what happened before he became a angel
Other:Is Lofiel's best friend
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Twilight gripped we sword tighter, her knuckles turning white. "I'm always ready for a fight...." She grinned wickedly.

"Ezio! Black Wing! Save us!" The people chanted at them.
Sky pulled her hood further over her face and snarled. The red-coats stopped when they saw her and drew their weapons. "Ezio." They hissed.
"We meet again." Sky jeered, crossing the blades from the gauntlets together to sharpen them. She went in for the first blow, thrusting her hand forward and stabbing a man with the gauntlets. And they descended on her like angry wolves. She moved elegantly and quickly while scoring kills with the gauntlet blades. She would occasionally sheath her Tomahawk and bash in a man's skull with it. She was beautiful to watch. Sky had delicate movements, like a dance, and her cloak would flow out behind her as she spun. It was like watching slow-motion spinning. Angelic and flowing.
"Ezio! Black Wing! Save us!" The people chanted at them.
Sky pulled her hood further over her face and snarled. The red-coats stopped when they saw her and drew their weapons. "Ezio." They hissed.
"We meet again." Sky jeered, crossing the blades from the gauntlets together to sharpen them. She went in for the first blow, thrusting her hand forward and stabbing a man with the gauntlets. And they descended on her like angry wolves. She moved elegantly and quickly while scoring kills with the gauntlet blades. She would occasionally sheath her Tomahawk and bash in a man's skull with it. She was beautiful to watch. Sky had delicate movements, like a dance, and her cloak would flow out behind her as she spun. It was like watching slow-motion spinning. Angelic and flowing.
Twilight grinned. lets get this party started... she thought to her sled as she snapped a man's neck, he fell to the floor lifelessly.

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